Britain just took another step toward regaining its independence. – IOTW Report

Britain just took another step toward regaining its independence.

CNS: On June 23, the British people voted to leave the European Union.

Earlier this week, Britain took another mighty step on the road to regaining its independence when the House of Commons voted, by a smashing margin of 498 to 116, to back Brexit.

The vote was necessary because the British government lost a series of court cases, which argued that the referendum by itself didn’t give the government the power to leave the EU: Parliament had to vote, too.  MORE

12 Comments on Britain just took another step toward regaining its independence.

  1. Once you willfully relinquish National Sovereignty to a greater power (EU) it’s difficult to regain your National Sovereignty.

    The will of the people and the vote in Parliament hasn’t received any assurances from the EU. What are they waiting for?

  2. Cato, it’s all procedural from here on. The only thing the EU per se can do is make it difficult, expensive and very ugly…which I think will happen to only a small degree (…considering each country already knows what the consequences will be a) from the UK in the future, and b) if/when they try to leave). But the Brussels bureaucrats *do* have an ability to excel at shooting themselves in the foot….

  3. Make Britain Great Again — Stay the course !!
    As Churchill would say — NEVER EVER GIVE UP !!!

    The above advice is also for those RINO Republicans who are getting weak in the knees (again).

  4. Czar
    Britains voted for National independence June 23, 2016.
    It appears the EU is stalling to allow $millions to funnel into Britain for an anti-Sovereignty, anti-Brexit campaign of disinformation and fear to force another vote of the people before Brexit can be approved and implemented.
    The EU is forcing Britain to accept more muslim, African, Indian and European immigrants which will have an impact on the next Brexit vote.
    Britain like other EU member states put the noose over their head willingly and the EU is prepared to stretch the rope accordingly.
    Or put it simply, I do not trust the EU to honor the will of the people.

  5. The Scottish Parliament voted to reject the Brexit plan and is now threatening another referendum about leaving the union. Theresa May ought to call their bluff and be the first one to suggest perhaps now is the time to begin the negotiations for Scotland to leave. That ought to make for a few strokes in Edinburgh and some pretty nervous social safety net recipients sipping a few down at the pub. Of course, a lot of Britain would be hoisting a few in celebration that the Scots might actually be leaving and also have some hand wringing in Brussels at the thought of telling Scotland that they’re really not wanted in the EU as their own country.

  6. “Honorably, a majority of Labour members of Parliament respected the results of the referendum and voted for Brexit in the Commons.”

    The U.S. DemocRAT party would NEVER vote against their own interests! I never thought I could find anything, however inconsequential (and this is NOT) nice to say about the booger-eating, socialist, miscreant, morons of the Labour Party!

  7. Scotland surrendered their ‘manhood’ decades ago when they let the Pan Am killer to go back to Libya because of ‘prostate’ problems … (there’s a metaphor there somewhere… )… now they’re just another Euroweenie fag begging for Muslim abuse

    William Wallace is sooooooooooo pissed at the shrunken ‘nads of today’s Scots …

    now we know …. kilts are really for women

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