Britain’s “Free” Healthcare In State of Collapse Thanks To Migrants – IOTW Report

Britain’s “Free” Healthcare In State of Collapse Thanks To Migrants


Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is being “bled dry” by mass immigration, a senior cancer specialist has said.

Professor Angus Dalgleish, principal of the Cancer Vaccine Institute, says the NHS is “on its knees” thanks to migrants from the European Union (EU) taking advantage of free movement rules.

Cancer treatment can cost up to £200,000 for the UK’s socialised healthcare service, and under Brussels law Britain must offer it to all EU nationals.

Professor Dalgleish will tell a conference that Britain’s membership of the EU is “putting an intolerable strain on our NHS”.

“The NHS is on its knees and could collapse completely. NHS Trusts were not prepared for the millions of EU migrants who have poured into Britain because the Government estimate was nowhere near the reality

“GP services are collapsing under the huge number of people they are having to treat and this has led to less than 20 per cent of students wanting to become GPs.


10 Comments on Britain’s “Free” Healthcare In State of Collapse Thanks To Migrants

  1. Well gee, who woulda, coulda, shoulda seen this coming? Time to start letting science and natural selection take over. My sympathy tank is bone dry. My “ha ha, fucktard” tank is overflowing on the verge of causing an ecological disaster

  2. @ThirdTwin – it still disgusts me to think of that obscene NHS “show” at the London Olympics. I mentioned how ridiculous it was to an Obama voter I knew at work, and she replied how cute she thought it was. Progessives are a different life form, I think. They don’t think like normal human beings.

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