Britain’s New Five Pound Note Has Animal Product In It – Vegans Go Berserk – IOTW Report

Britain’s New Five Pound Note Has Animal Product In It – Vegans Go Berserk

Please, please, please be a pork product!!! If Muslims won’t touch the 5 pounder, all Trump has to do is sign an executive order to make all U.S. currency from pork products – PROBLEM SOLVED!!!

NY Times — When it released a new 5-pound note in September, the Bank of England said the polymer bills were stronger, safer and better for the environment. One thing they are not, it turns out, is meat-free.

To the dismay of vegans and vegetarians across Britain, the Bank of England has confirmed that tallow was used in the base of the new notes, worth about $6.25.

If you’re wondering how many people would actually eat a bank note — as many did — the answer appears to be a lot: In promoting the new notes this year, the Bank of England said that 5,364 bills had to be replaced in 2015 because they had been chewed or eaten.

Tallow, a hard, fatty substance usually made from rendered beef or mutton suet, is much more likely to be found in soap and candles than in a currency.

“There is a trace of tallow in the polymer pellets used in the base substrate of the polymer £5 notes,” the Bank of England said repeatedly in responses to inquiries this week on social media. That led to an outpouring of outrage.

“Being forced to pay taxes to contribute to animal products is a breach of rights,” Tim Doble, who describes himself on Twitter as a vegan, wrote in a tweet on Tuesday. “Shut. up. omnivores. You have no say in this,” he continued.

The anger was not just abundant but also swift. By 4 p.m. British time on Wednesday, a petition calling on the Bank of England to make a vegan-friendly bank note — “This is unacceptable to millions of vegans, vegetarians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and others in the U.K,” it reads — had received almost 100,000 signatures.

Not all were sympathetic to that cause, with many observing there was no reason to eat a bank note…


ht/ Sam. S.

18 Comments on Britain’s New Five Pound Note Has Animal Product In It – Vegans Go Berserk

  1. It’s kind of sad actually to watch these people, whose lives are so barren and empty, complain so mightily and emotionally over something so banal as traces of tallow in a complex manufacturing process. I would think that they would be happy that all the parts of an animal would be used so as to ensure no waste. I only hope that the government tells them to go pound sand.

  2. Once a callow fellow with complexion most sallow
    Allowed his hallowed fields to go fallow
    When he swallowed his pride to go wallow in tallow,
    But rhyming this ditty the rules would not allow.


  3. Somebody really needs to point out that if you have sufficiently sensitive detection and measuring gear, you can count on finding any- and everything wherever you care to look.

    Y’all do know that you have personally inhaled nitrogen and oxygen that was exhaled by Nazi concentration guards, don’t you?

  4. This sort of thing was part of the reason for the Indian Revolt in Old Delhi in 1857. Leading to the fall of The Last Mughal.

    “..When the British introduced a new Enfield rifle and a new greased-paper cartridge into the Indian Army, the distress within the ranks of the sepoys became acute.

    In February 1857, the 19th Native Infantry at Bahrampore in Bengal refused to accept the newly issued cartridges because, rumor had it, they were greased with either pig or cow fat. Eating pig flesh was an abomination to Muslims, and the Hindu religion regarded the cow as sacred and therefore banned the consumption of its flesh. The British, realizing the problem, abandoned the use of meat fat for greasing, but the Hindu and Muslim soldiers still believed that their Christian commanders were trying to subject them to forbidden substances as a means of subverting their religion….” .

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