British Army Says People Who “Describe Themselves as Patriots” Are ‘Extremist Right-Wingers’ – IOTW Report

British Army Says People Who “Describe Themselves as Patriots” Are ‘Extremist Right-Wingers’

Summit News:

The British Army has released an information sheet encouraging members of the military to report others as right-wing extremists if they express a myriad of beliefs, including describing themselves as “patriots”.

The sheet is entitled ‘EXTREME RIGHT WING (XRW) INDICATORS & WARNINGS and encourages members of the military to “Look out for individuals who…describe themselves as patriots.”

The notion that describing oneself as a “patriot” equates to right-wing extremism is ludicrous. Being a patriot should be a pre-requisite to join the Army.

Some of the other indications of ‘right-wing extremism’ are equally alarming. They include;

– People who “describe multicultural towns as lost”.
– People who “use the term ‘Islamofascism’”.
– People who refer to political correctness as a “left wing plot”.
– People who are “angry” about the loss of “national identity”.
– People who “make inaccurate generalisations about the left or government”.
– People who refer to those who challenge any of these views as being “indoctrinated”.

This is not the first time the British Army has waded into the political correctness debate with embarrassing results.


24 Comments on British Army Says People Who “Describe Themselves as Patriots” Are ‘Extremist Right-Wingers’

  1. How stupid.

    I couldn’t help but notice:

    People who “make inaccurate generalisations about the left or government”

    Does any British patriot think that “the left” and “government” aren’t one and the same?

  2. And that’s why we should never again expend one american life or one us dollar to help britian.

    They’re going to need it soon too. and… fuckem.

    you don’t want patriot help. so fuckoff and die in the mud you imported.

  3. Not to worry my friends. Our own Pentagon has the same attitude.
    I’m just glad I’m on the back nine. West Point just graduated 39 Black female cadets, and they are proud, the Pentagon is proud, and lots of the 39 are fat, and only suitable for office work. But the Pentagon is proud. Transgenders next. Maybe 45 or so next year.
    I have nothing against black female cadets, but not fat ones. No fucking way can they go through the course. Bullshit!

  4. Why do the British, including their army, continually insist on seeking out ways to make themselves irrelevant?

    The closest they have to a Constitution is the “tradition of freedom” inspired by the Magna Carta.

    They may be less unfree than the days of the pirate queen, but they become more unfree every current day.

    Alfred longed be rid of the Danegeld and unite England, but today’s subjects couldn’t give a flying shit about the sacrifices anyone else makes. This bullshit is the thanks he gets.

  5. Too bad there are no Western Civilized Real Men left in the country now known as Not-So-Great-Britain.
    If there were, they would have taken care of the muzzie invasion by now, even if under cover of the dark of night.
    And then equally dispose of the unelected bureaucrats that made and set policy to allow these invaders into the country.
    But, alas, we see what has happened. So we know who rules the country. Might as well admit that you’re a serf, and why bother to vote?

  6. Britain, germany, france, sweden: all doomed to islamic fascism.

    In the short term, the swamp/left allies get to loot the EU, but their children will soon curse them.

  7. While training, British Army patrols stop while their muslim buddy prays on his mat. Like to see the army issue their airbourne unit muslims mats instead of parachutes. Now wouldn’t that be a knee slapper?

  8. They will get the people they deserve.
    As to it functioning as anything but the PC patrol
    to slap “patriots” down they are going to find themselves practicing running away as fast as the French.

  9. The British, like the French, haven’t needed a real army for the last 100 years since they had the American Amy to pull their chestnuts out of the fire! Hopefully not anymore!

  10. British soldiers have never been appreciated for their “patriotism.”
    They’re appreciated for their tenacity and their determination to follow orders – regardless of how stupid.
    When in “squares” (to resist cavalry) at Waterloo they were told that to duck the artillery was “cowardly” – though when they were told to lie down, it wasn’t.

    Funny people.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Convo on a Slimey Limey parade ground….
    “report right-wing extremists? Check.

    Oi mate! Can I also report Left-wing extremists? Mohammedan Extremists?

    Wot? Ye’re reporting me to the MoD? What for? Bloody ‘ell, you sodding poofter!”

  12. Always makes me chuckle when I read the anti-English bullshit written here by Yanks – the usual stereotypical, myopic shit I’ve heard a thousand times before – most of it no doubt influenced by the Hollyweird version of the World. I’m just amazed you stopped kissing your own arses long enough to actually write anything. It might surprise you to know that the world is not America and that you’re not the centre of the Universe – though it’s probably the best place for you. Still, I guess it must be hard to accept that you had your arses handed to you on a plate by a few Vietnamese peasants, and that we actually were the fathers of your nation – or, as per usual, you self-obsessed wankers can’t see any further back than 1776 or any further than the noses of those ugly mugs of yours. You know fuck all about us as a people, and don’t even have the good grace to acknowledge our pivotal part in the history of your nation – or don’t they teach you about the English colonies that were your very beginning? Still, I suppose you’re too busy trying to find an Irish ancestor to fawn over while drinking green beer, etc. Before sitting there with those smug grins of yours, you’d do well to look at the morons your have of your own, who we witnessed when Trump was elected President. The Western World is under siege from left wing lunacy and all you can do is blather on with the same old ‘Limey’ and ‘we won the war for you’ bullshit – the latter being a load of bollocks anyway. Yeah, like we all stopped fighting because the Yanks arrived. I pay homage to those men who gave their lives because I’m not as small-minded as some of the fuckwits who comment here, who can’t comprehend the words ‘allied victory’. Still, who gives a fuck what a few boneheaded yanks think. We were a nation while you were still a nameless stew – and you only became a nation because of us, so shove that up your collective arses – yes, arses. What the fuck asses – i.e. donkeys – have anything to do with it is anyone’s guess. Y’all have a nice day now. On second thoughts, don’t!

  13. Michael Garfield,
    The nub of it, and probably what has pissed you off, is that We, the People of the United States, don’t think of England very much, or at all.
    We appreciate all that England has done for the Human race (in general) but have enough sense to see that the “Decline of the West” (as Spengler put it) has England as its epicenter and western Suicide is exemplified in England’s embracement of every Socialist, National Socialist, Communist, izlamist, and (collectively) nihilistic tendency.

    Don’t be so obsessed with the United States and what we may, or may not, think about your benighted land – but suffer some introspection and purge your body politic of its cancers.

    “Managed Decline” was the term (to describe the future of the UK) used by YOUR PM, not by an American.

    izlamo delenda est …


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