Marine Le Pen: Emmanuel Macron Should ‘Definitely’ Resign, But He ‘Has Neither the Honesty to Do It, Nor the Panache’ – IOTW Report

Marine Le Pen: Emmanuel Macron Should ‘Definitely’ Resign, But He ‘Has Neither the Honesty to Do It, Nor the Panache’

Breitbart: Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Rally party in France, in a Breitbart News exclusive interview on Monday called on French president Emmanuel Macron to resign the presidency, but said he is not honest or bold enough to recognize his worldview has been defeated.

In the United Kingdom, Le Pen noted, David Cameron stepped down as Prime Minister when the British people voted to leave the European Union back in 2016. And in 2019, Le Pen noted, Prime Minister Theresa May announced her plans to resign after the Brexit Party defeated her party and all others in the U.K.’s European Parliament elections.

Le Pen told Breitbart News that Macron should “definitely” follow Cameron’s and May’s leads and resign from the French presidency. “But Macron has neither the honesty to do it, nor the panache to do it,” Le Pen said.

Even if Macron hangs onto the presidency and refuses to resign despite the stinging defeat in this weekend’s elections, Le Pen told Breitbart News that Macron must dissolve Parliament “immediately” and hold new elections as soon as possible.

“They should happen immediately because of yesterday’s results, but mostly because of Macron’s posture during the election where he was not the warrantor of the constitution but he became an active player in one of the parties,” Le Pen said in a more-than-20-minute phone interview on Monday in the wake of her party’s win over Macron’s in the European Union elections. “Once he engaged, it became his personal responsibility. He should take into consideration the results and call for elections.”

Le Pen’s National Rally, rebranded from the old National Front party her father founded that she took over, surged into first place in the European Union elections in France this weekend. Le Pen’s party won more than 24 percent of the vote compared with Macron’s Republic on the Move, which finished under 22 percent.

Speaking through a translator via phone for the exclusive interview on Monday, Le Pen explained the victory and why she believes her party won, while Macron’s was defeated.

“There are two main reasons: One is a European reason, and the other is on a national basis. Macron, in the early stages of the campaign, presented himself as the leader of the European Union that the French people do not want anymore,” Le Pen said. “The European Union despises the people. The European Union protects unfair competition specifically with products coming from China. And more than anything, the European Union is fully open to immigration to the European Union that will be submerged.”

“The second reason is a national reason. He established some policies, specifically on a fiscal level, that are particularly unjust and unfair to the popular classes, to the common person. For the past two years, he has displayed extreme arrogance and spite for the common people and the French people in general. What I and the list have been doing is explaining to the French people that the former divide between right and left wing does not exist anymore. And for the second time in a row, which means including the presidential election two years ago, the new divide is between the globalists and the nationalists. Twice in a row, this narrative that I have been explaining has become true and has been put in place by the vote of the French people.”

Yellow Vest protesters have been blaming Macron for losing the election. Le Pen said that while the Yellow Vest impact on the election is “difficult to assess,” the bigger point is that people feel disenfranchised and not represented properly in their government.  read more

6 Comments on Marine Le Pen: Emmanuel Macron Should ‘Definitely’ Resign, But He ‘Has Neither the Honesty to Do It, Nor the Panache’

  1. History repeating itself with the French “Obama”! An arrogant, narcissist elitist snob who thumbs his nose at the common man. In turn, his party gets shellacked in the general elections.

  2. It’s like watching two animals fighting over the remains of a carcass. There’s very little left of any substance but both think there’s still a meal there to be had.
    France as we historically knew it is just a memory.

  3. Frogs (generally speaking) will lick the ass of anyone who pretends superiority.

    De Gaulle “fought” the war from a radio booth in London but was credited with the “liberation” of Paris.
    The Third Army held back the 4th Infantry to allow the 2nd French Armored Division to enter first – all for propaganda purposes – but it was the Americans and the Brits who Liberated France – not De Gaulle and the “Resistance” (socialists and communists parading as “anti-fascists”).

    The Frogs “know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”
    And, from von Below, “would rather fuck each other in the face than fight.”

    Ms. Le Pen probably (correctly) expects nothing from “Jupiter” Maricon.

    izlamo delenda est …


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