Britain Falls Just Short of Publicly Calling John Kerry a Jackass – IOTW Report

Britain Falls Just Short of Publicly Calling John Kerry a Jackass


Britain scolded U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for describing the Israeli government as the most right-wing in Israeli history, a move that aligns Prime Minister Theresa May more closely with President-elect Donald Trump.

After U.S. President Barack Obama enraged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by refusing to veto a UN Security Council resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building, Kerry’s public rebuke of Israel has unsettled some allies such as Britain.

Amid one of the United States’ sharpest confrontations with Israel since the 1956 Suez crisis, Kerry said in a speech that Israel jeopardizeds hopes of peace in the Middle East by building settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

While Britain voted for the UN resolution that so angered Netanyahu and says that settlements in the occupied territories are illegal, a spokesman for May said that it was clear that the settlements were far from the only problem in the conflict.

In an unusually sharp public rebuke of Obama’s top diplomat, May’s spokesman said that Israel had coped for too long with the threat of terrorism and that focusing only on the settlements was not the best way to achieve peace between Jew and Arab.

London also took particular issue with Kerry’s description of Netanyahu’s coalition as “the most right-wing in Israeli history, with an agenda driven by its most extreme elements.”

“We do not believe that it is appropriate to attack the composition of the democratically-elected government of an ally,” May’s spokesman said when asked about Kerry 70-minute speech in the State Department’s auditorium.


18 Comments on Britain Falls Just Short of Publicly Calling John Kerry a Jackass

  1. These are going to be the longest,most infuriating three weeks in the history of the US. Obama is definitely sealing his legacy. May his name be unmentioned after he descends into the Wrong Side of History on Jan 20, 2017.

  2. Call the Obama Administration the most left-wing in United States history Israel then tell them all to go eat 💩!


  3. I can’t wait for the bust of Churchill to return the the White House. A burl wood reproduction of John Kerrys head should be used as an ashtray for sir Winston’s smoldering cigar.

  4. Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, Jihad Coddling, all-seeing precognitive, moisturizing, metrosexual Global Warming Meteorologist and Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune.
    Or simply put, the Jackass who couldn’t pour the piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel!

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