British Police Step Forward To Say Trump Is Right – IOTW Report

British Police Step Forward To Say Trump Is Right

‘Trump’s not wrong – we can’t wear uniform in our OWN cars!”

Must we remind this world filled with assholes that British military members were warned by their own government to not wear their uniform in public because a Muslim might kill them?

Of course the defensive Scotland Yard would say, “Trump couldn’t be more wrong.”

But that’s not what the bobbies, with boots on the ground, are saying.

Daily Mail -one serving officer said today Trump ‘pointed out something plainly obvious, something which I think we aren’t as a nation willing to own up to’.

Another policeman said that he and other colleagues fear being terror targets and spoke of the ‘dire warning’ from bosses not to wear a uniform ‘even in my own car’.


kelzzzz, Ughhhh, United Kingdom

Donald Trump for British Prime Minister!!! Donald if the USA don’t want you, we do!!!!

so the truth is out, always remember that when issues regarding the police are reported it is the PC on the beat and the sergeants who will tell the real truth, those from inspector upwards will always as a rule play the PC liberal game to further their future promotions.

Iamnotjesus, London, United Kingdom

Look what happened to my mate last year. He was attacked by an irate farmer while out for an afternoon stroll. We now consider the countryside a no go area. It’s happening Dave. Build the bunker and stock up on tin goods.

Trump just has the balls to stand up and say pretty much what everyone else is thinking

I lived near Tower Hamlets and passed through going to and from my employment. No way would I walk alone in most areas of this borough. My wife has also been spat on for being non muslim.

thetruthurts, wigan, United Kingdom,

He’s right. Manchester, Rotherham, Bury Bolton. There are places where a white Brit WOULD NOT go. .and certainly not females. I’ve been pestered for having my head uncovered!!!

What donald trump is saying is the truth- problem is the truth hurts and politicians dont like the truth.

null, United Kingdom

I agree. I never thought I would agree with anything The Donald says but in this instance he’s right. I’m fed up with the softly softly politically correct attitude. The world needs leaders with balls!!!

Fred Butge, Somewhere on the soggy isle, United Kingdom

Is it not great to hear directly from those that have to walk the streets, rather than some outraged, posturing politicians claiming that all the streets of our green&pleasant land, are happy and friendly

When will The Politically Correct lot wake up and smell the roses?

5 Comments on British Police Step Forward To Say Trump Is Right

  1. The English don’t seem to have any problem banning people when they want to. Anybody notice this in that Daily Mail article?

    “2013: Conservative American bloggers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer were banned. They are the founders of the anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America and they run the website Jihad Watch. Both were planning on speaking at an English Defence League march in Woolwich, where Lee Rigby was murdered, but were stopped by the UK Border Agency. The two were banned on the basis that their presence would not be ‘conductive to the public good.’ In letters sent to Geller and Spencer, the Home Department explained to them that it can expel, deport, or deny entry to any non-UK national who violates the British government’s ‘unacceptable behaviour’ policy.”

  2. Maybe some context from one of our allies. Trump’s “hate speech” is like kindergarten talk on the grand stage.

    “I will not relent until we reach a framework that will allow the removal of the infiltrators from Israel.”

    “If we don’t stop the problem, 60,000 infiltrators are liable to become 600,000.”

    “we have to control our borders against both illegal work infiltrators and instigators of terror,”

    more than 50,000 African refugees who have entered Israel since 2006 have been repatriated to other African countries.

    there is no such thing as a Syrian refugee who might find shelter in Israel; instead, there are infiltrators and terrorists.

    “We won’t allow Israel to be flooded with infiltrators, work migrants and terrorists.”

    “demographic threat.”

  3. I can tell the “elites” what they need to do to stop Trump: find a Patton or a Churchill to run against him – that’s what we the people want, we’ve seen enough of what happens with (D)irtbags in charge.

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