Brits Wanting To Leave the EU Spikes After Obama Tried To Convince Them To Stay In It – IOTW Report

Brits Wanting To Leave the EU Spikes After Obama Tried To Convince Them To Stay In It

obama the end is near

TownHall: On June 23, British citizens will vote whether they will remain or exit the European Union. It’s a delicate issue that has reaped political havoc with Britain’s Conservative Party. It was partially responsible for the defeat of John Major’s government prior to Labour’s 1997 landslide that ushered in Tony Blair into 10 Downing Street. Fears of European instability are being debated ahead of the scheduled vote. In February, it was made known that President Obama would try and lobby the United Kingdom to remain in the EU. He also penned an op-ed in The Telegraph, stating that it’s in the UK’s best interest to remain in the EU on April 23.  more

10 Comments on Brits Wanting To Leave the EU Spikes After Obama Tried To Convince Them To Stay In It

  1. I guess after 7+ years, the rest of the world is coming around to the inescapable conclusion – which we’ve known all along – that 0bama is full of sh!t.

  2. England has suffered liberal globlists for a long time, so Obama is transparent.

    We would do well to look where Britain stands on issues they were talked into, that out liberal/democratic crooks want for America; national health care, and refugees, and government control over every part of their lives.

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