Brooklyn Subway Shooter Arrested – IOTW Report

Brooklyn Subway Shooter Arrested

Story and video presser here

17 Comments on Brooklyn Subway Shooter Arrested

  1. Why?
    They’re just gonna let him go … and probably run him for the House … or a seat on the Supreme Court.
    Maybe he needs the publicity?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Reaping the harvest of taught, demented hatred of America and Americans, by race.

    We’ll see him later with Thorazine eyes, and out of confinement like “musician/painter” Hinkley (the victims already forgotten by the “News”).

    Certain “fellow travelers” of the major media are also to blame and should share his outcome.

    This is just insanity glorified to the next level.

  3. If the perp is 5’5″ tall as has been described…..there must be some very small NYC policeman. He was much taller than the cops around him as he was led out to the car.

  4. Eric Garner got strangled to death for selling single cigarettes?
    This maggot – nothing?

    Oh, that’s right, Garner wasn’t paying taxes on the cigarettes!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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