Brooklyn USA – IOTW Report

Brooklyn USA

Watch…  You think Europe is in peril, eh?


ht/ c. steven tucker

40 Comments on Brooklyn USA

  1. Put a stop to this NOW! The cancer that is islam must be eradicated! Same with antifas. The rest of the Soros backed social justice warriors after that. We have a job to do, where does it start?

  2. TO Bad Brad
    Honestly no idea. I know there were alot of Jews and Catholics back in the 1970s.

    TO joe6pak
    Absolutely! There are noise ordinances, among *many* other options, to bring this sort of NUISANCE under control.

  3. The medieval Spanish managed to expel the last of their Muslims in 1492.

    It took a national policy of kill-on-sight to make them go.

    We won’t have to go that far here.
    Stripping Islam of its “religion” disguise allows it to be banned as a destructive political system. Like Nazism.
    Ban them. They came on their own dime. They can be made to leave the same way.
    Anchor babies and all.

  4. Idle thoughts: I wonder how many of those mosque loudspeakers are wireless and thus hackable? Are they shielded or can they be taken out with a slingshot? Are they at pedestrian level where they’d be susceptible to a large magnetic field spike generated by a big capacitor and a spark coil built into a something like a sample case (leave your mobile phone at home)?

  5. TO Uncle Al
    Now, I’m *sure* you’re not suggesting appropriating those speakers to put out the soundtrack of some PornHub feature!

    Maybe some old Jimmy Dean sausage commercials….

  6. Look no further than your local Newspeak prison known as the public school system, then cleanse the universities. Drive the indoctrinators out, drive the commies out. There will be no place for this shit to hide.

  7. @ Plain Jane….my town and too many other small towns in America blast the tornado warning three times a day to remind them to put their kids on the bus, when to eat, when to come in for the day. It might be an easy transition…

    Broken brooklyn. They’re allowing it to happen to themselves.
    Ice cream trucks can’t play their jingles, but islamofascists can bellow their tripe. I don’t want to hear their crap, nor should I be forced to.
    It should be challanged. It is offensive.
    If you live there and hear it, go to this site and report it. Tell them you hear Mr. Softee and the Dairy Queen getting it on again, and they have to stop it.

  9. @RottyLover….”Stupidest fucking thing about living here”….ain’t that the truth!….we had a vote, I don’t know why????, and we lost by three votes in a town of 50.

    I left the big city because of the stupidity and I just found another kind. It’s fruitless as I’m referred to as the new guy…

  10. The locals in that neighborhood need to band together and sue the shit outta that Terrorist Recruitment Center, aka mosque, Right Fucking Now. At the very least force the Terrorist Recruitment Center from blaring their Satan-worshipping thru loudspeakers. They can use church bells like everyone else and even then, churches use their bells for giving the time of day.

    America needs to DEPORT every single Filthy Mohammedan Savage immediately. They are Satan’s Salesmen

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