Bruce Jenner Breaks Another Record! – IOTW Report

Bruce Jenner Breaks Another Record!

According to he is one of the tallest female celebrities.

What a friggin’ world.

Sit “Caitlyn” down in a roomful of women and what on earth does he have in common with them?

What shared “female” experiences does he have?

26 Comments on Bruce Jenner Breaks Another Record!

  1. Drudge has a picture of some guy in make-up who used to be a Navy SEAL. I guess he thinks he’s a woman. But he looks like a guy in make-up.

    Why in Lucifer’s reach are we expected to play along with this stupid charade?

  2. 2+2=4 and Jenner has X,Y, chromosomes. Even if the party says Jenner is a chick by God Jenner is a DUDE!

    I remember the line in 1984 when Winston is told that “if the party says I can levitate I can levitate.” We have reached the point that if the party says Jenner is a chick so many people just accept this new current truth.

  3. The Nuclear strength Stupid just keeps rolling.

    Bruce Jenner can have all the plastic surgery he wants. He’s still a 70-something man.

    He’s not a woman.
    He’s also not an Englishman, even if he began affecting a bizarre Monty Python British accent. No difference.

    He’s also not a Zebra, or a 20 foot Great White Shark, or a mythological Norse God with a magic hammer.

    In the blink of an eye he’s going to be just another old guy in a nursing home, then an Obit, then forgotten.
    But at no point will he ever have been a woman.

  4. Abe Lincoln was our tallest president at 6’3-3/4″. LBJ was 6’4″, but google says Lincoln was taller. Common core math? Search it yourself.

    Trump is 6’2″.
    Comey is 6’8″.
    The first female president, Obama is 6’1″. Jarrett is 5’6″, but she looks like 4 foot flat.

    James Madison was 5’4″, the shortest. Hillary is 5’4.5″, although I believe the 0.5″ addon is fake news.

  5. Dianny, That guy was not Trans (what the fuck ever) Fat when he was a Seal. The rest of the Seal community is telling this idjut to STFU. He’s a freak. Jenner tweeted earlier today that he was coming after Trump. A bunch of people tweeted back “You don’t have the balls”.

  6. what do these freaks think each morning when they have to shave?
    “Oh, i’m just a woman with high levels of testosterone.”

    Sexually ill people need to be locked up while being treated.

  7. Force all of the women-wannabes to go through all the menstrual cycles and menopause symptoms, forcibly through physical stress/torture. They want to be a woman then force them to suffer like a real woman. We’ll see how long the mamby-pamby cock-suckers want to play dress-up.

  8. It’s almost like a mass hysteria.
    Caitlyn? Oh for fuck’s sake – it’s Bruce!
    Is it really possible to foster and maintain a lie such that people no longer recognize the lie? I always believed Goebbels a fool, and the German people foolish; but it is not the case. The complete absurdity of the “Caitlyn” Jenner and “Chelsea” Manning pretensions is, I guess, what lets most people suck into it.
    “It’s too stupid to be made up!” Seems to be a mantra.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Bruce is still Bruce, underneath the fake boobs, make-up, long hair and whatever else has been done. I think hormones cannot change the original male genes. If I’m wrong, some doctor please correct me.

    But I also have another ‘pressing’ question re: female-to-male transition. Take all the hormones you want to grow a beard but…just where would the ‘former gal’s’ PENIS come from? Some DEAD guy? An ANIMAL? A 3D PRINTER?!?

  10. If Caitlynn has always been a woman then zhe is the owner of several women’s world records. Zhir’s personal best in the 400 meters (47.5) is better than the woman’s record (47.6). Zhir PB in the 100 meters is 10.7, which is better than any woman who hasn’t obviously been taking steroids (Does any sane person actually think Flo-Jo went from 11.0 to 10.5 in a few months just by training really REALLY hard)

    Zhir 227 foot throw in the men’s javelin is obviously superior to the woman’s record of 237 ft with a much lighter javelin, so give zhir the record there. That makes three women’s world records
    Get on it, you SJW’s

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