Bruce Jenner is on the Espy Awards – IOTW Report

Bruce Jenner is on the Espy Awards

They are going on and on about how elegant he is. He minces up to the stage and what comes out of the ducky lips?  Bruce Jenner’s voice.


If this was a real woman with that voice she wouldn’t be considered elegant, she’d be considered tough, crude and hard.


He pulled the “transgender people deserve our respect” card.

Why? Because they’re transgender?

Sorry freaky. I respect people who earn respect. I don’t respect every human being willy nilly. Becoming transgender doesn’t pass the threshold where I’m impressed.

You might earn my respect, but just being transgender? No. That’s not a worthy achievement. Sorry. That’s like saying a hermaphrodite deserves my respect. Naaaaaa. Let me observe the content of their character first, not their underwear.


20 Comments on Bruce Jenner is on the Espy Awards

  1. Why do these things get all this attention? Nobody wants to see it. At least I hope not. Back when I was young you couldn’t pay a guy to dress up as a women, let alone have his tallywhackers cut off. How would a guy like being caught in a dress with no tallywhackers when Jesus comes back? Boy he’d have some explaining to do.

  2. Wow, it just so happens I have something for you guys to suck on. Just like that aged wine. As far as Pinko goes, I’ve actually always really liked the guy. We just got a little crossed up.

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