Bruce Jenner’s Daughter’s Transgender Friend Denied Access To Dubai For Being… Transgender – IOTW Report

Bruce Jenner’s Daughter’s Transgender Friend Denied Access To Dubai For Being… Transgender


Gigi Gorgeous was temporarily detained at Dubai International Airport on Tuesday for being a transgender woman and denied entry.

The 24-year-old Canadian transgender model who documented her transition on social media was stopped at the immigration and visa office, according to an article on Tuesday by TMZ.

The actress said an immigration officer said to her, ‘I was told you are transgender. You cannot come into the country.’


She later posted a photo on Instagram showing herself hugging a companion in an airport concourse and wrote in the caption that she was ‘detained and held’ for five hours at the airport.

Gigi described the ordeal as ‘one of the scariest moments of my entire life’ and said she was headed to somewhere ‘much more accepting’.

She was born as Gregory Allan Lazzarato and announced she was a transgender woman in December 2013.

Before transitioning Gigi ran a makeup tutorial since 2008 on YouTube as Greg and after her transition she started to include more fashion and lifestyle videos.

Gigi in September 2015 was featured in Kylie Jenner’s app and they filmed several videos together offering make up tips.

She legally had her name changed in March 2014 to Gigi Loren Lazzarato.

Dubai airport police, however, said her passport identified her as male and the passport photo showed Gigi as a man.

Gigi denied the assertion by airport police.


ht/ the big owe

26 Comments on Bruce Jenner’s Daughter’s Transgender Friend Denied Access To Dubai For Being… Transgender

  1. How stupid do you have to be to go to Dubai, pretending to be a woman, and your passport says you are a man. He says this was the scariest moment of his life. If he really wants an adrenaline rush he should fry to go to Tehran.

  2. Hmmm, muslims cry about the U.S. possibly curtailing muslim immigration, yet have no problem with curtailing faggot immigration or visitation into their nations. Hypocricy much?

    Not that I care all that much, hell, I don’t want the LGBTQXYZ freaks here either. I also don’t want muslims here either.

  3. No doubt headed there to find him/herself a real man…one with chest hair and all…poor thing…she was so scared of the big bad arabs…makes one wonder what passes for brains in these gay zombies? Maybe she is shown the Burq Dubai observation tower…

  4. So who is he/she going to sue for violating his/her “rights”? The muzzies in Dubious? HAHAHAHAHAHA Get back to me later and tell me how that’s working out for you. And be thankful you’re still alive to tell it.

  5. The whole problem is that Dubai requires the mentally ill to be in the company of a mental health worker or legal guardian. But it damn sure isn’t going to admit that part of the ‘ordeal’.

  6. Stupid should hurt.

    It very well may this time.

    I wonder how many like him would sign up for an all expenses paid trip to any Arab country of their choice.

    We should start a GoFundMe campaign for it and find out.

    Call it a Stop The Hate trip. Trans only. Get right in their faces with it. For educating the Arabs, of course. That ought to show those desert-dress-wearing Arabs a thing or two.

    I can see it now… guys all made up & laying in the street blocking traffic. For a few minutes, at least.

    Which leads to a very important question: Would they get traffic tickets for backing up and running over them several times in the middle of a highway?

    #1 on the list of things we must know about the trans world!

  7. You’re gay, trans, whatever, and you go to a nation where they not only don’t like you, but have a tendency to throw people like you off buildings, and then you act surprised, scared, and offended when they prove that you are not welcome.

    Looks to me like somebody was just looking for some headlines.

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