Bruce Ohr Acted As Conduit From Fusion GPS to FBI – IOTW Report

Bruce Ohr Acted As Conduit From Fusion GPS to FBI

Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch today released 330 pages of Justice Department documents showing Bruce Ohr, who was demoted from his position as U.S. Associate Deputy Attorney General in December 2017, discussing information obtained through his wife Nellie Ohr. This information included anti-Trump dossier materials, including a spreadsheet that tries to link President Trump to dozens of Russians.

On December 5, 2016, Bruce Ohr emailed himself an Excel spreadsheet, seemingly from his wife Nellie Ohr, titled “WhosWho19Sept2016.” The spreadsheet purports to show relationship descriptions and “linkages” between Donald Trump, his family and criminal figures, many of whom were Russians…

…On December 5, 2016, Bruce Ohr emails himself a document titled “Manafort Chronology,” another Nellie Ohr-Fusion GPS document, which details Paul Manafort’s travel and interactions with Russians and other officials. More

5 Comments on Bruce Ohr Acted As Conduit From Fusion GPS to FBI

  1. Joe,

    Without a doubt there will be serious consideration. The things to consider are:
    is my life insurance enough?
    Will my life insurance cover my impending, foreseen nor wanted suicide?
    Will my suicide end with just me or will my loved ones feel the need to suicide?
    Will the witnesses suicide before they get a chance to testify?
    If I slow the investigation down and see to it that charges are never brought I could retire early and easy because of an unforeseen life changing amount of a windfall may come my way.

    Wake me when people begin to testify in front of a Judge and Jury.


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