Bruce Ohr named ‘half a dozen’ FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties – IOTW Report

Bruce Ohr named ‘half a dozen’ FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties

WaEx: Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave lawmakers “a list of half a dozen” senior FBI and DOJ officials who knew about his interactions with people tied to the Trump dossier, according to a GOP congressman.

Ohr spoke with members of the joint task force of the Judiciary and Oversight committees for several hours in a closed-door session on Tuesday.

While he didn’t identify the officials Ohr named, Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Tuesday night that he has heard Hannity mention some of them on his program in the past.

Ratcliffe said these FBI and DOJ officials were told of Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr’s involvement with ex-British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the Trump dossier, and Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier.

He said at least one of these officials signed off on a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant application seeking the authority to spy on onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, advising to this individual: “I would retain a really good lawyer.”

During an interview Sunday previewing the Ohr meeting, Ratcliffe said he and his GOP colleagues were prepared to ask Ohr about former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates for evidence of a biased campaign by the DOJ and FBI to undermine President Trump’s 2016 election effort. Yates was fired by Trump while serving as acting attorney general in late January of last year after she refused to defend his initial travel ban, but not before she signed off on at least one of the FISA warrant applications to spy on Page.  more here

7 Comments on Bruce Ohr named ‘half a dozen’ FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties

  1. Wow – this will result in another huge round of indictments! A whole lot more anti-Trump conspirators are going to trial, and soon will join the other ones already in prison!

    Oh, wait —

  2. “…Ohr gave lawmakers “a list of half a dozen” senior FBI and DOJ officials…”

    this is like creating a new phone book for the doj/fbi
    everyone is in it
    then: everyone knew
    now: everyone new

  3. “…No Democrat members of the two committees that held the hearing attended…”

    they can’t pull a ‘mccain no invitation’ for that.
    they just don’t have any interest in finding the truth


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