Bruce Springsteen Says He’s Moving to Australia if Donald Trump Wins – IOTW Report

Bruce Springsteen Says He’s Moving to Australia if Donald Trump Wins

OK bye!

76 Comments on Bruce Springsteen Says He’s Moving to Australia if Donald Trump Wins

  1. If you say “Bruce Springsteen sucks” on social media in Australia, the cops will come haul you away. He likes that. Fragile people can’t take criticism. Hell, look at the democrat party.

  2. As Dr. Tar indicated, these people seem to think they can pack there things and just show up saying “Here I am!” and they will be let in.

    Things just don’t work that way. And he’d better wear a mask even when he’s at home or armed police are going to bust down his door.

    That, of course, depends on his getting away with the “Don’t you know who I am?” shtick that he, as a good Democrat of the people, would condemn if someone he didn’t like tried.

  3. …sure you are. Y’all was supposed to leave the LAST time.

    …hell, I’m still wanting for Raven Symone to leave from when Trump was NOMINATED the last time, she promised…

    ““My confession for this election is if any Republican gets nominated I’m gonna move to Canada with my entire family,” she asserted.”

    …maybe Stevie Nicks has room on that rocket to nowhere, enjoy freezing in the asteroid belt, assholes…

  4. Hey Bruce! Run – don’t walk – to Australia NOW! Better yet, drive your car.

    (I still don’t know how I survived 8 years of Obama. Every year, all my squash were spontaneously exploding in the garden… causing permanent visions of exploding cantaloupes.)

  5. The best thing about the E Street Band was Clarence Clemons. A lot of song Springsteen performed that were taken for patriotic, like Born In The USA, were not Patriotic at all. He’s always been a malcontent. He should leave the horrible country. Bye bitch.

  6. We really need to pass a law that if they don’t leave after a public announcement that it is a breach of contract. They build up so much hope only to dash it with their dishonesty.

  7. They are VERY authoritarian down there and the lockdowns are worse.

    Rebel Media has many You tube videos of severe fines for the most ridiculous things.

  8. “Stevie Nicks will need a few boosters to get her now fat ass into orbit.”

    What’s your problem with Stevie Nicks? I’ve never heard her get political (although she may have and I’m not aware of it) and I’d be surprised if she did, seeing as how she and Kid Rock are best buds (nothing romantic).

    Yah, she did her share of blow back in the day and yeah, she’s put on some lbs., but geez, she rocked and still does.

    Here’s a clip of her dedicating Landslide to the Kid:

  9. …guy was always preaching Democrat values. THAT’S for sure…

    “Got a wife and kids in Baltimore, Jack
    I went out for a ride and I never went back
    Like a river that don’t know where it’s flowing
    I took a wrong turn and I just kept going”
    Bruce Suckstein, “Hungry Heart”

    …nice for his wife and kidS, huh?

    Hope they don’t hold dinner for him.

    …or need HIM to PROVIDE it…

  10. …more Springsteen Democrat family values…

    “Your Mamma’s yapping in the back seat
    Tell her to push over and move them big feet
    Every Monday morning I gotta drive her down to the unemployment agency
    Well this morning I ain’t fighting tell her I give up
    Tell her she wins if she’ll just shut up
    But it’s the last time that she’s gonna be riding with me

    You can tell her there’s a hot sun beating on the black top
    She keeps talking she’ll be walking that last block
    She can take a subway back to the ghetto tonight
    Well I got some beer and the highway’s free
    And I got you, and baby you’ve got me
    Hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darling”
    -Bruce Shitstein, “Sherry Darling”

    …yep, don’t do anything about the poverty, just go out drinking and driving, sure is nice your sweet gal doesn’t care about Moms getting heat prostration, remember that if your AC break down in your crappy hoopty and it’s her turn to leave YOU dancing the Funky Chicken on the macadam under the merciless sun…

  11. Margot
    OCTOBER 16, 2020 AT 4:18 PM
    “What’s your problem with Stevie Nicks? I’ve never heard her get political ”

    …umm. this…

    “During the interview, the Fleetwood Mac rocker was careful not to name the US President by name and reiterated that her new single ‘Show Them the Way’ was ‘non-partisan’ but features images from the Black Lives Matter movement and depicts civil rights marches and pays homage to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Nicks also claimed that racism in America had been the worst that it has ever has been in the last four years during Trump’s presidency and that If the President’s Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the US Supreme Court then Roe v Wade was in serious jeopardy.”

    “Stevie Nicks Contemplates Leaving Earth if Trump Wins: ‘We’re Not Welcome Anywhere’ … ‘I’m Thinking: Oh, Space.”

    …don’t get me wrong, I was a big fan in the ’80s.

    …but she , like SO many others, can’t just shut up and sing…

  12. Do assholes like Springstein grasp how fucktarded they look when they vow to leave if the GOP candidate wins and then they stay? Because for someone like Springstein, this is an easily achievable thing to do.

  13. Hey Brucie, you ain’t fucking gone yet??????
    Take all the rest of your useless communist Hollywood child molesters with you.
    Fucking Wife beating piece of shit.

  14. buzinsuzan
    OCTOBER 16, 2020 AT 4:58 PM
    “I’m sorry I wasted my time watching you back in the 80’s at Red Rocks, standing in the rain.”

    …hey, I have that concert on tape.

    Betamax tape.

    …I could let it go for a small consideration if you have a player, since that player is as dated as Stevie herself now…

  15. Thanks for the info on Stevie Nicks, folks. I don’t follow Breitbart and I didn’t see the story elsewhere, so I had no idea and I really thought that Kid Rock would have been more of an influence on her.

    Sorry she feels that way. If she wants to leave, she really should. But I think this “leave the country if Trump wins” is BS and entertainment industry brainwashing.

    On another note, I really DID want to leave the country when Barak Obama was president, but I decided to go down with the ship, because where else was there? I’ve had a good life here in the US so far, despite a few bumps in the road.

  16. I expect no less from him, remember he held a special concert at Independence Hall in Philly for Pantsuit and BHO was there as well.

    Losers. All of them.

    He made two good albums Greetings from Asbury Park and Nebraska, other than that he is a mumbling dumb dumb.

    He was full blown left when he wrote ’41 shots’, the Abner Luemi (sp) case in NYC.

    For the ‘record’ I do not own one single album. It’s a “Jerzee” thing as I see it being a NYCer…

  17. Springsteen, a hack musician who sings like he’s trying to shove a watermelon outta his ass.
    Australia can take the creep.
    Maybe we would get lucky and he would go swimming on Australia’s continental slope…sharks gotta eat too.

  18. If he takes out Australian citizenship maybe we won’t have to listen to his raspy voice yelling “Born In The USA” ever again.

    IMO, that was one of the worst songs ever recorded. A horrible sound repeated over and over again.

  19. Why do all the these Nations that they want to go to hate us? I seem to remember the good old USA pulling their chestnuts out of the fire a few times. Not going to do it again.

  20. Why do all the these Nations that they want to go to hate us? I seem to remember the good old USA pulling their chestnuts our of the fire a few times. Not going to do it again.

  21. These celebre-tards think that they have some kind of influence with the great unwashed masses. Sorry, Brucey…you could die tomorrow and the world will still rotate. The only difference that any one will notice is a week or so of your already overplayed and overrated Muzak (youngsters need to look it up) flooding the airwaves on every damned radio station and steaming service.
    Just go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.

  22. An Bruce’y Wins the award for the 1st Hollywood/Celebrity fading star to play politics to regain some attention.

    Who will be next?

    BTW: Remember we are still waiting on the 1/2 dz from 2016 , 2004 & 2000…

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