Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band Guitarist Steven Van Zandt Deletes Call to ‘Exterminate’ GOP ‘Cockroaches’ – IOTW Report

Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band Guitarist Steven Van Zandt Deletes Call to ‘Exterminate’ GOP ‘Cockroaches’

Never heard of this chick.

Breitbart: Bruce Springsteen’s veteran E-Street band guitarist Steven Van Zandt issued a call to fans and supporters on social media Sunday to “Exterminate the (Republican) cockroaches.”

His rallying cry to target GOP supporters, half of America, came during an expletive-laden exchange on Twitter.

It began when the guitarist ventured forth by abusing what he called “Republican White Supremicist scumbag cowards and pussies that need guns to feel like real men” after TN representatives demanded gun controls.

Van Zandt was then called out on Twitter by a follower for his abuse, which he quickly resumed.

He said he deleted his original anti-Republican post for a host of reasons, viz;

To avoid spending half my day deleting Foxsucking scumbag Russian bots and MAGOTT cockroaches like you! Go take away some women’s rights, keep some Black people from voting, go harass a Trans event, go shoot some kids, do what Republicans do best and get the fuck outta my feed!

See for yourself below.

42 Comments on Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band Guitarist Steven Van Zandt Deletes Call to ‘Exterminate’ GOP ‘Cockroaches’

  1. Van Slant,
    Ooooohhhhhhh I’m so scared.
    Wha’cha’gonna do?
    Garrott me with your E String?

    Brucie & The Boys, what a bunch of numb nuts.
    Get woke, go broke.

  2. Odd, Almost every mass shooter has lefty Democrat and SSRI ties that they try and hide afterwards.
    What’s he talking about?
    And just how will we be taken out without said guns that he is supposed to hate?
    The 2A is there to stop what the left has created and set loose on this world.

  3. What an angry little man. It’s a characteristic of the left. Gotta be wound up about something, offended or attempting to force their ideology on everyone else. Obviously verbally challenged as he must resort to profanity to express himself. Too, it’s a cultural thing. Don’t know what his mother gave him as a baby to suck on but we grow up in the south teething on Smith & Wesson and Colt. By the way, Springsteen and his band suck and always have.

  4. Now that David Crosby is gone looks like Stevie wants to take over as top lefty doosh nugget on Twattier. The bandana usually indicates lack of cognitive skills. Another lefty musician savant that can’t defend any of their positions, so they over compensate with blather and bluster. I like his radio show but now it has a trans taint on it. Buh bye.

  5. steve had to show bruce he’s an idiot too

    & who the fuck told him that granny look was cool
    all those loud colors & scarfs, he looks like them old ladies at bingo

    all e-street band cd’s went into the trash when bruce sat there and said nothing & nodded in agreement when oblowme called all his white fans racist

  6. The E Street Band was amazing BEFORE Van Zandt, esp David Sanscious.

    After they got Van Zandt, they still needed a good guitarist so they hired Nils Lofgren.

    Springstunad always sucked. Now Van Zandt is on the record as being as stupid as his ‘look’ is, which he’s sported for 30 years too many.

  7. Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band Guitarist Steven Van Zandt Deletes Call to ‘Exterminate’ GOP ‘Cockroaches’

    Says the man who got rich off of singing “Born in the USA!” What you wish for me I wish the same for you. Springsteen has always been one of those liberals mirroring liberal New York Jews. I have no use for him.

  8. Liberalism in a nutshell.

    “Got a wife and kids in Baltimore, Jack
    I went out for a ride and I never went back
    Like a river that don’t know where it’s flowing
    I took a wrong turn and I just kept going”
    -“Hungry Heart”, by the asshole this asshole works for.

  9. Springsteen was good before he got big. The guitar monkey is, well, a guitar monkey. There’s a lot of them. A lot. Entertainers ought to shut the fuck up about things adults need to consider. They don’t help


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