Bruce Willis Aphasia could be a side effect of the Jab – IOTW Report

Bruce Willis Aphasia could be a side effect of the Jab

Steve Kirsch-

I wanted to make sure everyone knows aphasia is one of the thousands of symptoms whose reporting rates were elevated after the COVID vaccines rolled out. It’s #1574 on that sorted list of symptoms elevated by the COVID vaccine that we calculated back in November 2021.

But I also very distinctly remember, very early on after the vaccines rolled out, a story from Dr. Byram Bridle of a teenage girl, perfectly healthy before getting the vaccine, who couldn’t speak shortly after getting vaccinated.

Of course, we now know this wasn’t just a coincidence.

The numbers of reports to the VAERS system bear this out.

Here’s a “baseline” year 2019 for all vaccines put together:

Bruce Willis is 67 and developed aphasia after being vaccinated. Could it just be a coincidence? Maybe, but how did Willis’ doctors rule out the vaccine being causal?

We aren’t told this. Why not?

340 vs. 12 for his age group… a factor of 28 higher reporting rate for the COVID vaccines.

Bad luck? I don’t think so.

The actual case reports show people are normal before getting vaccinated and unable to talk shortly after.

If this isn’t causal, then how do you explain all these amazing coincidences? And why are the reports so much higher after the COVID vaccines vs. all other vaccines?

More troubling are the actual case reports.

Here are just the first three that came up in the search report:

VAERS ID:906282 (history) Given the vaccine at 712 pm on 12/20/20. At approximately 715 pm, she began to clear her throat and then became unable to speak, followed by audible wheezes and short, shallow breaths. At 1923, Epinephrine was administered. At 1928, she was able to speak again and was transported to the ED. The patient reports after arrival to the ER, the symptoms returned. She was given PO Benadryl, followed by IV Benadryl, and then a 2nd dose of Epinephrine. She was admitted to the ICU for observation

VAERS ID:907710 (history) About 30 minutes after injection felt brain fog and had a hard time finding words; About 30 minutes after injection felt brain fog and had a hard time finding words; It”s like we were having to concentrate more than usual to do routine stuff; This is a spontaneous report from…

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18 Comments on Bruce Willis Aphasia could be a side effect of the Jab

  1. Willis will star in your movie if you meet his terms:
    $$ (of course)
    works 3 days a week
    does not rehearse
    does not memorize lines (they’re fed to him through an earpiece)
    There may be other requirements (catering?) but those are the ones I remember.

    This may explain why he’s been in so many stinkers recently. Wishing him well regardless.

  2. I would not be surprised if it was Shot related!

    Today’s Doctors are complete incompetent ASSHOLES.

    I just got back my Blood testes after 2 Vax shots about 1 year latter.

    This is not the time and place BUT I Will give ALL the details & the Wonderful State Canuckistan Medicine.

    there is a reason they have to drive fucking cabs when they come to North America UNTILL they get CERTIFIED!


  3. Far too many coincidences. One of the side effects is Bell’s Palsy which Gavin Newsom developed right after his jab. Coincidence? Nope. Soccer players dropping dead, a coincidence? No way! Blood clots. Thousands. Embalmers are having a hard time inserting fluid into cadaver veins, they are clogged with hardened blood clots that are elastic in strength. Never seen it before until the jab. Next biggie coming is AIDS in millions by this Fall.

    Millions Will Get AIDS From Vax by Fall – Dr Elizabeth Eads

  4. Dr. Tar March 30, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    I’m hoping it’s a side effect that will pass eventually but fear the worse.

    His prognosis: People who have it can have trouble expressing their thoughts and understanding or finding words. Symptoms begin gradually, often before age 65, and worsen over time. Dec 27, 2018 He’s not going to get better without prayer. However, Bruce Willis no longer has any use for religion, he says Science is now the best religion.

    Bruce Willis Religion

    Bruce has moved away from conventional religion. He use to be Lutheran until stopped believing in it. He has said that he understands why religion existed in the past, but now because of science we don’t need it anymore. Although he was once Lutheran he now says that “Modern religion is the end trail of modern mythology”.

    Maybe Bruce will change his mind. That should be the prayer.

  5. Underreporting to the VAERS Database has a factor of about one-hundred for serious “adverse events.” What would it be for a reduction in vocabulary? One-thousand? Ten-thousand? One-hundred-thousand?

    I’ve seen aphasia creeping into my mom’s speech since she “got shot” last spring. That’s not as bad as my dad who is now bedridden since “recovering” from double pnuemonia which laid him low about six months after his second Pfizer shot.

  6. Yep the vax causes everyting. You name it, caused by the vax. Good you guys here are so understanding, being y’all got coof-dick. Shriveled up into nothingness. Not a man nor a woman, somewhere in between. Hell I be mad & a whiny little beotch too if the only sex left was taking it in the rear.

  7. This is scary ! I have 2 friends that their husbands were diagnosed with Dementia after the vaccine !
    One had a stroke ,went thru rehab , and now has Dementia. The other one was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s with Lewy Bodies suspected. Too me, men are at much higher risk, at least at first . Time will tell with the wives. Maybe it takes longer in women ?

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