Brunel University Study – Physically Weak Puny Men Favor Socialism – IOTW Report

Brunel University Study – Physically Weak Puny Men Favor Socialism

Daily Wire-

Other studies in the past have also suggested stronger men are more right-wing than physically weaker men. “Researchers found that men’s opinions on redistribution of wealth could be predicted by their upper body strength, with powerful men more likely to take a conservative stance of protecting their own interests,” noted The Telegraph of a 2013 study from Aarhus University in Denmark.


ht/ sam s.

20 Comments on Brunel University Study – Physically Weak Puny Men Favor Socialism

  1. As seen in **Webster’s Dictionary** —

    Puny: See photo of Barack Hussein Obama

    P.S. If Webster’s Dictionary was worth it’s salt, that’s the definition it would really give. 😀

  2. And conversely I saw this meme from one of the tactical “Kill em all, let God sort them out” sites the other day, a couple muscular guys with battle beards, smoking cigars, blazing away with some tactical weapon while wearing Pink Romp Hims. They still looked like bad ass guys so I ordered a pair.

  3. This also explains why Socialism attracts certain groups: the very young and untried, the Weak Sister females, the Affirmative Action undeserving, and government drones at all salary levels, including the beta Academics in easy-chitchat soft subjects.

  4. The small puny men sense that in the formulation “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” they are in the latter group and as such the beneficiaries of socialism, not in the former group of victims and slaves.

  5. I’m always amazed when I meet another big guy, and he’s a Lib’.(Im 6-5)
    It just did’nt seem right. The whimps have always been Democrats, my entire life !

  6. Of course, this comes from those girly men who were afraid of the world staying in the cave with the women while the actual men went out in the snow to kill something to eat

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