Brush With the Law – IOTW Report

Brush With the Law


Convicts in prison are contributing their paintings to a collection that depicts CEOs that they say belong behind bars for un-indicted white collar crimes.

Where was this talent before they committed armed robbery?

ht/ illustr8r

8 Comments on Brush With the Law

  1. Sounds like convicts for Bernie.

    “The book costs $40 and all proceeds go to help elect the only Socialist in the presidential race, Bernie Sanders.”

    So, what, the socialist criminal who benefits from this scam is too ugly to paint?? If you guys had any brains, you wouldn’t be in prison.

  2. I think this is an example of the power of victim-hood, among other things, of course.

    The power to excuse yourself from normal expectations and often garner support, even though you did it to yourself and probably a few others too..

    “Yeah I did that bad thing. But it’s not my fault! I was a victim of (or born into) _____ ”

    You name it. It’s been used.

    The last time I heard it spill from lips it was: “Yeah I’m responsible for what I did. (said from a jail cell) But it’s because my parents were lousy parents.”

    Me: Then why is your sister a family woman raising two boys and working in a school? Same parents.

  3. P.S. The way of a victim in life.

    Pointing fingers at others to distract from their own deeds and maybe gain some sympathy and support. All the while not being reformed in the least.

    This applies to the immature in relationships too.

    Beware the perpetual victim.

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