I realize it’s been strange that I haven’t written anything about Paul Ryan and the compromise that will keep the government running through September, the compromise that has given the Democrats everything and given conservatives a big ef you.
I can’t write what I want to write because I would probably get a visit from the secret service.
It’s just as well, my comment would probably generate a visit from them as well. Traitorous Bastards!
Are you fucking kidding me? Let me know when you do and give me your address. I poop you not. I have some connections in Florida. Let’s see how they deal with being flanked. I shit you not. Secret Service, ex Hiway Patrol. That’s the truth.
Once more onto the breach . . . .
If something horrible would happen to Ryano, as well as some others, I would still sleep well. Screw him and the rest of the globalist douche bags. If he ever crossed my path in a back alley…. well, you know… I would hold on to him until Bad Brad could get there. 😉
I hope tennis pros break into Paul Ryan’s home to smash his balls.
Goddamn traitors. 2018 is not far away.
How did that guy get so fucking screwed up.
I swear to god he was planted by the left just in case.
I would spit on him if I saw him.
My guys will protect Trump , Ryan, not so much. One of them is a relative.
The Ryans of the swamp are exposing themselves and it’s ugly.
I wish the sorry sack of dung had testicles so he could be hung by them.
Maybe Wisconsin could “honor” him by naming some cheeses for him – here’s a couple of ideas to begin:
Lying Loser Lame-ass Limburger
Sack-o-shit Suck-ass Swiss
Treasonous Traitorous Tronchon
Gormless Globalist Gouda
It’s taking awhile for that so called “budget compromise” to be analyzed by people on the Internet. But when it is, there’s going to be some VERY pissed-off people.
It’s almost as if, since the ship is sinking, hands off the rudder.
Ryan is as he always has been, a democrat shill.
The American voters were against him being chosen leader, right from the start. WE knew hiis treacherous soul.
The House chose Pelosi’s puppet as speakerl despite his outstanding unpopularity and his turncoat congressional record.
However, he does not stand alone as a traitorous Republican. The whole of congress is a huge part of the swamp. That is why the congressional approval records are tanking out.
Things are going to get really ugly, as President Trump pushes back the layers of filthy scum, allowing the sun to shine on the filth of D.C. It is very clear where the center of filth is located.
Dems will officially take back Congress in 2018. Unofficially, they never lost it. This was our last shot. We’re done.
Small-town boy taken in by big-city crooks. He wants so much to be accepted, he’ll do anything to please the gang’s leader (Soros?).
As I said in a prior post, a conservative Republican is as a moderate muslim. Mythological. Any questions?
Just as a War on Terrorism that treats islam with kid gloves, so goes draining the swamp and pretending Republicans are no less disgusting and dangerous than Democrats–they’re both venomous, self-serving swamp creatures.
Grool, I sincerely hope you’re wrong.
We should’ve been suspicious when a supposed Conservative kept getting elected in a Demoscum district. And married to a libstain lobbyist?
And he’s got the arrogance of a lefty too.
Lawmakers do not make laws, lobbyists do. (There was an article here not long ago that explained it very well.)
These are the same congresscritters that haven’t passed a budget since 1997.
The money is long gone. This latest resolution is just to make the books look good.
Save your anger\frustration for the 2018 budget. For better or worse, that is where the roadmap to the future will be.
Has Wisconsin ever produced any true conservatives?
Just askin’.
@Carpeye D’um — I agree.
We are well on the Highway of financial ruin, with few exits remaining, particularly when more nations drop the US dollar as the accepted international currency.
Congress continues to build roadblocks at every exit that could lead to solvency. It appears both parties of Congress subscribe to the Cloward-Piven strategy as a means to globalization.
Progressive Big Government has a life of its own, regardless of what the people, the President and National Financial Security demand.
Demonrats = Bolsheviks
Republicrats = Mensheviks
Two wings of the same chicken.
If the Demonrats demanded that America be burned, the Republicrats would insist that it be burned over 3 days … instead of all at once.
Fah! A pox on both their houses!
izlamo delenda est …
Being shot by an enemy is much more honorable than being stabbed in the back by a guy in the foxhole with you. There are a lot of republican voters who are so f-ing pissed they are popping blood vessels. I have no idea where this is going but it isn’t going to end well.
Hey no problem guys, Trump just announced that he is perfectly happy with the bill!
Ps: The Tennis pros wouldn’t find any balls to break the Democrats beat them to it!
Well, has he heard from you????
I don’t care that I’m not in his district. It doesn’t matter at all. He’s the Speaker and so his actions/inactions affect the whole country.
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Phone: (202) 225-3031
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Something stinks like a hogs ass about this! How in the hell can trump say he is happy with this budget?!?!
It’s all the Establishment GOP’s fault. Why doesn’t President Not-Hillary start kicking some butt? He isn’t one of THEM, is he?
Well, IS HE?
On the bright side…because it is the bright side…the Scripture foretells a literal one world [global] government/economy/religion, to be headed up by Antichrist. America is an obstacle in the way toward it. Just look around…the uniparty is trying to weaken and neutralize us as a nation to push us in that direction. That means things will grow much worse.
It also means this dark age of man and Satan IS coming to a close.
Vet, Joe McCarthy?
Meh…I was getting really fatigued from all of teh awesome winning anyway. It’s a much needed break from all of the inhumane bullying of those poor loser commie-libs, who just keep “losing” to the Emperor.
Everything I read, listen to, or see on TV, I keep asking myself “who the fuck won the election”? But Rush tells me/us not to be discouraged. We have he House, the Senate, The Oval Office, and maybe the Supreme Court. How can President Trump not succeed?
Yeah, I keep asking myself. The scary thing is, I am starting to answer myself loudly and people are beginning to wonder if I an not losing my mind. We still have at least 1358 left. MAGA. For God Sake.
Mulvaney’s presser today gave another side to this story.