Bud Light Given Costco’s Dreaded “Death Star” – IOTW Report

Bud Light Given Costco’s Dreaded “Death Star”

UK Daily Mail

Savvy shoppers at Costco are convinced Bud Light will soon be off the shelves after they spotted the ‘star of death’ asterisk on the product and a price drop. 

Photos and videos shared on social media show the beer’s price tag stamped with a small asterisk at the top right-hand corner – a symbol that many Costco regulars claim is used to signal that a product will no longer be restocked once it is sold out. More

9 Comments on Bud Light Given Costco’s Dreaded “Death Star”

  1. If Budweiser had any brains, they would eliminate the brand altogether, and just come out with a “new” brand name of the same crappy product.

    Who ever thought Bud Light would become a micro-brew?

  2. i wonder if the looters are drinking bud light. Seems like its cheap enough we can put it out at the local target and kill two birds with one stone. get the animals trained. bud light, loot here. might work at the local government offices too. around here, they putting up huge “low income” apartments around the welfare and ssa offices. pick some drop points, wait for the word to get out, and grab the popcorn. better than giving needles, and frees up town for the people who want to live civilly.

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