Bud Light’s Superbowl Ad – IOTW Report

Bud Light’s Superbowl Ad

Plain old Budweiser’s ad —

23 Comments on Bud Light’s Superbowl Ad

  1. F**k Bud Light.
    You’d probably get a better buzz and more flavor outta the Clydesdale’s piss.
    I noticed there still has not been any sort of apology to their former customers.

  2. To quote a song though,”It’s too late to apologize”.
    Not even sack cloth and ashes would suffice as a groveling move, to get back many of the people I know who used to drink that crap.
    Bud actually did them a favor, in a way.
    The people have moved on to better things and in doing so, their taste buds have had a marvelous awakening.

  3. I don’t know if the second ad is an older (pre-trans BL) ad, or just done in the old style, but I prefer it over the first ad.
    Not that I’ll be drinking any AB anyway.

  4. Angus:
    “Hey Grampaw, you wanna watch the Superbowl?”

    Grampaw if he were alive today:
    “Hell no. I’d just about as soon strap on a tin bill and go peck shit with the chickens.”

  5. The old school as is tough to beat. I’ve seen Bud ads featuring the Clysdales before, but not that one. Ads like that are timeless.

    Ads like the first one are… cheezy. It’s all too obvious that they avoided turning the men into women yet that underlying association is still there… yer just waiting for one of the guys to explode into that asshole Dylan Mulvaney!

    You have NONE of those thoughts with the old school version.

  6. Anheuser Busch still doesn’t get it
    and it’s intentional.

    Most people aren’t interested in their socialist agenda of self centered, whining, insecure, “woke” DEI crap in any form. Bud Light will continue to a tainted, worthless brand.

    The Budweiser commercial theme is much better even if it’s a little repetitive, but sweet, normal and relatable.

  7. Oh, and here’s why he wants the boycott to end: He’s quite the whore….

    Pedro L. Gonzalez
    Americans boycotted Anheuser-Busch when it shoved transgenderism down people’s throats. It’s been one of the most effective protests in recent memory.

    Trump just called for the boycott to end. Why? Because a lobbyist for AB plans to host a fundraiser for him next month. The lobbyist in question, Jeff Miller, is also a close confidant of Kevin McCarthy.

    Some tickets are selling for $10,000 each, which is enough to get Trump to undermine one of the rare instances in which Americans successfully stood up to a major corporation that tried to force some ideological obscenity on us and never apologized for it.

    More: https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1755050633357414412?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1755050633357414412%7Ctwgr%5E23b224351d3bfdb5a383cd6c0db06c3c1736bd14%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timebomb2000.com%2Fxf%2Findex.php%3Fthreads%2Ftrump-says-parent-company-anheuser-busch-is-a-great-american-brand-that-deserves-a-second-chance.642727%2F


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