Budget Resolution for fiscal year 2017 – IOTW Report

Budget Resolution for fiscal year 2017

S,Con.Res.3, Budget Resolution for fiscal year 2017

Justin Amash (R-MI) went to his twitter account @justinamash to clear up the MSMs and RINO talking points about the bill. Here are the 14 tweets he posted:

1/ Confused about what the House voted on today? You’re not alone. I hope you’ll find this explanation (in the following tweets) helpful.

2/ There’s been a lot of lazy (or lousy) reporting and intentional misrepresentation from partisans on both sides.

3/ Today, we voted on the most massive budget in U.S. history. It’s been misleadingly described as an “Obamacare repeal vote.”

4/ It’s actually a budget resolution that proposes adding more than $9 TRILLION to the debt over the next decade.

5/ Does that extra debt come from repealing Obamacare? No. The budget doesn’t even mention Obamacare and doesn’t repeal it.

6/ Budget includes “reconciliation instructions” to allow Congress to bring a LATER bill to repeal part of Obamacare with a simple majority.

7/ But these instructions can be included in ANY budget. It’s not necessary to pass this particular budget, a.k.a. Worst. Budget. Ever.

8/ Partisans in both parties like to describe the vote as an “Obamacare repeal vote” (rather than a budget vote) for obvious reasons.

9/ Republicans don’t want their voters to know that they voted for the most massive budget ever.

10/ Democrats want their voters to think it’s all about stopping Republicans from repealing Obamacare.

11/ Reporters are fixated on the sexy angle, which is the misleading angle that most of the politicians are talking about: Obamacare.

12/ So, my no vote does not mean I oppose repealing Obamacare (sorry, Democrats); that’s not what today’s vote was really about.

13/ My no vote was about standing up for limited govt and fighting for the next generation. It was about stopping a never-balanced budget.

14/ We can’t afford more spending and more debt, regardless of whether it’s demanded by a Democratic president or Republican president.

Here is his website.

8 Comments on Budget Resolution for fiscal year 2017

  1. The short-lived, but grand experiment, as a self-ruling, Constitutional Republic, has now been crashed and burned thanks to a bunch of greedy, selfish, stupid, Americans elected to public office by other greedy, selfish, and stupid Americans!

  2. @AfoGgd – This. Plus history shows us that there has never been a govt that has not devolved to authoritarianism or been overthrown by forces themselves authoritarian or ultimately succumbing to same.

    That’s why I am a govt abolitionist. I used to call myself an anarchist but that term has been hijacked by just another gang of filthy authoritarians.

  3. Is it that the treacherous congress can’t learn or just doesn’t want to learn? Our patience is GONE. Their sneaky, underhanded bait and switch rule has to stop. Chuck them all!

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