Budweiser Debuts Pro-Immigration Super Bowl Ad – IOTW Report

Budweiser Debuts Pro-Immigration Super Bowl Ad

Budweiser has chosen the charged political issue of immigration as the subject of its Super Bowl LI commercial.

Breitbart: The 60-second spot explains the origin story of the beer company’s immigrant co-founder, Adolphus Busch.

The ad, titled “Born the Hard Way,” begins with a young, German-born Busch being told, “You’re not wanted here! Go back home!” The big budget production eventually sees Busch land on the shores of St. Louis where he built his mega-brewery.

“This is the story of the original self-made man, one of the founders of the American Dream, making it the hard way, and his path that all came after him followed,” Laura Rowan, of Budweiser’s creative branch told Adweek.

“We then see the words appear: ‘When nothing will stop your dream, this is the beer you’ll drink.’ We end with the Budweiser logo and [tagline], ‘This Bud’s for you,’” she said of the ad.

Ricardo Marques, vice president and executive for the Budweiser brand in the U.S., says the company’s pro-immigration Super Bowl ad is “relevant today,” in light of President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily suspending the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and his executive order intended to tighten security along the U.S.-Mexico border and enhance enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.

“It’s true, Adolphus Busch made an incredible journey to this country, and that’s really what this is about. It’s about his vision, his dream, everything that he doest to achieve that,” Marques told AdWeek. “Even though it happened in the 1850s, it’s a story that is super relevant today. That’s what we’re honing in on; it’s the pursuit, the effort, the passion, the drive, the hard work, the ambition, that’s really what this is about more than anything else.”

However, Marques insists that the ad’s placement during the Super Bowl is not an attempt at making a political statement.  MORE

63 Comments on Budweiser Debuts Pro-Immigration Super Bowl Ad

  1. Busch went through Ellis Island as a LEGAL immigrant. He also didn’t get Food Stamps, Section-8, free phone, access to free health care and welfare money to live on.

    I guess they forgot to mention that, huh?

    If I drank their tasteless swill, I’d boycott them, but my sensibilities, discerning palate and innate distaste of the whole “Bud Culture” made that decision long ago.

  2. I always thought Adolphus Busch was a “legal” immigrant, not an illegal muslim terrorist refugee. I learn something new everyday. Thanks Budweiser.

    By the way Bud and Busch are no longer owned by An American Company, like so many other businesses bought by foreign interests. If I choose to drink, I drink American owned and produced beer.

  3. Between this, the cast of Hamilton singing ‘God Bless America’ and Lady Gaga halftime, it seems the NFL is purposefully trying to avoid the Super Bowl. Who’s singing the Anthem? Colin Kaepernick? It’s

  4. When I drink beer, D. G. Yuengling & Son is the oldest operating brewing company in the United States, established in 1829.
    This Bud sucks out loud, Americans don’t want beer with good taste, Americans want beer that tastes good, sorry Bud.

  5. Phuck the whole SUPER BORE….don’t need them dumbing down an already pathetically STUPID population with forgetting LEGAL versus ILLEGAL immigration which God knows the Union thugs in our Schools would never teach as well. Plus I don’t need Lady Gagme slutty whore denouncing the democratically elected President.

    Will watch Puppy Bowl instead and be much happier!

  6. A-B brews – I quit imbibing them decades ago. Shit taste like shit.

    Yeungling – tastes like cat piss to me.

    SuperBowl(tm)/NFL – You’ll not have me as a watcher on Sunday. Fuck you, you limp-wristed social justice jackoffs.

    American advertisers – Time, space, and a small amount of personal decency prevent me from typing my feelings for your ilk.

  7. Didn’t they run Amy Schumer in their ads recently? Maybe they’re just trying to kick out any remaining conservative types/actual Americans that weren’t paying attention from their customer base. No idea why, but then again, they probably have no idea why either beyond ‘righties bad libturds goooooood’ and don’t care about the bottom line. Whatever.

  8. not that it matters, but i wont’ tune in

    it has become a world of prima donnas and guys wearing pink shoes and towels, blm shit, lady “gag me” gaga, etc

    i’ve had enough and, being the average joe that i am, i assume many are turning this off as well

    the nfl needs to get back to football against a backdrop of americana ie military, police, good americans trying to raise their kids

    hey nfl, fuck you, c ya

  9. Better yet, produce a commercial about an illegal getting drunk on Budweiser, getting caught drunk driving and then released, not deported, in a Sanctuary City.

    The illegal bastard drives drunk again on Budweiser, only this time he crashes his car into a family of five, killing them instantly.

    Michael Bay could direct.
    The crash scene should be epic.

    Yay leftists! Drink Bud!

  10. I think they no longer care if American Americans are involved in their show. They’re rallying their homies and this is part of their attemt to pull together a pee party (imitation Tea Party). They need mucho bloodshed by the summer 2018.

  11. It’s going to be very interesting to see if viewership of the super bowl goes down, as had that of the other NFL games during regular season play.

    Americans are getting fed up with misbehaving liberals. All that ad money will be totally wasted! I wish it to be so.

    Lady Gaga??? Come on!! Politically charged ads and possibly political antics from players. Oh, that’s what I want to watch! I hope their audience is as big a draw as Hillary was.

  12. Was it last Super Bowl that Coca-Cola ran an ad of people singing God Bless America in various languages? They keep pushing our buttons.

    Football is an American game, dammit. All those other people play that other sissy game, futbol.

    Super Bowl. 1967 – 2016

  13. You’ve had Falls City Beer, Iron City Beer…

    Now, Anheuser-Busch brings you:

    *Sanctuary City Beer*

    “THE BEER for leftists and illegals that demand NO consequences for their actions.”


    * 5c deposit in Mexico & California

    * Plastic bottles ideal for traversing walls

  14. So we have an all out war on liberal Tom Brady because he had a MAGA hat in his locker and is friends with Trump. The NFL celebrates players being able to thumb their nose at the anthem and conduct themselves like reprobates. Now the companies with ads want to triple down on anti-America rhetoric and PC liberal crap and shove it down our throats for 3 hours. No thanks. And we haven’t had Bud products since Obama’s beer summit embarrassment so no big loss.

  15. Another thing that really pisses me off about InBev/AB – they purchased the Rolling Rock trademark and brewery some years ago. They closed the RR brewery in Latrobe, PA, one of the last unique regional breweries in our area, and moved the production to Newark. Basically they’re bottling Budweiser in a green RR bottle, and let me tell you, IT SUCKS.

    FY, AB!

  16. Anheuser-Busch InBev is Belgian. (You remember Belgium, don’t you? It’s the 6% Muslim country that supplied roughly 25% of ALL the European citizens who joined ISIS?) Wasn’t there, just recently, a call for the feds to do something(s) about foreign interference in the American government?

  17. Huge PR mistake for Budweiser. At the Superbowl people only want the 60 story, happy story with the Horses, pups and whatever. Who do they think will be watching the game? Most of the viewers aren’t those who hate Trump they’ll be middle America who drink their product. Idiots. The truly stupid are running that company and besides their beer is pretty bad so I wouldn’t have decided to piss off base with a little smug preaching.

  18. WTF is it with Goodell and the NFL that they allow dumbass advertisers to push anti-American propaganda on us, allow anti-American racists like Kaeperdick to protest during a game, allow a racist bint like Beyonce to perform at Superbowl half-time last year, allow an anti-American bint like Lady Gag-me to perform at half-time this year? What The Fucking Fuck!?!

    I used to drink Budweiser whenever I could steal it out of my Dad’s garage fridge back when I was a teenager. But this commercial guarantees that I will never EVER drink another product from InBev, the Belgian brewery giant. I’m going on their site to see which brands of horse-piss swill they own so I will vote with my pocketbook and proselytize with my voice against this globalist, elitist, PC fascist multinational cabal of ASSHOLES.

  19. Here’s a list of Horse-Piss Swill brands from InBred beverage, at least one’s I’m familiar with in my area.

    Your mileage may vary

  20. I live in Mardi-Gras Land and I’ve always enjoyed seeing the Bud Clydesdale horsies in the various Mardi Gras parades here on the Northshore and down on the Southshore.

    But after Budweiser pulled this shit with their arrogant Stupor Bowl ad, you can be damn sure that a lot of folks along the parade routes this year will be booing Bud’s horse-drawn wagon. Fucking IDIOTS!

  21. Really? And I’m sure they have evidence that this mean old American future TrumpHitler supporter who shouted “You’re not wanted here! Go back home!” at poor Augustus really happened! Yes, certainly!

  22. Looks like I picked the wrong year to quit drinking!

    I don’t drink (outside of water, gatorade, and tea) so I can’t boycott them.
    Damned shame!

    Aren’t they (Anheuser-Busch) tied in with the mob?
    Remember the rumors about Sinatra, &c.? That would explain their interests in importing rat-people and drugs.

    izlamo delenda est …

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