Bad Language Alert.
Patrice O’Neal may have died. but Aries Spears has filled the void a bit.
More bad language, but his rant is spot on. (Except, he’s a grown man who wears his baseball hat crooked.)
Even worse language alert.
But, Patrice O’Neal was funny-
Patrice was one of my absolute Favourites.
I feel similar about Grease ball wanna-be WOP Italian “Mobsters” who sub out all their Hits. ie. Woodbridge Ontario.
“fried milkshakes” now that made me laugh out loud!
I miss Patrice.
I can’t listen when every other word is “yo”.
And yes, the crooked cap look from the early 2000’s 18 yr olds lowers anyone’s iq about 10 points who’s wearing it.
I thought he was going to cry when talking about pasta and fried milkshakes.
I thought that he had said 5 milkshakes. Fried milkshakes must’ve been an Elvis thing.
A Fried milkshake is not that far from fried ice-cream that seem to be popular at Mexican Celebrations like Shooting At The Police Helicopter Fiesta held in East LA on the last Friday Night of every month.