Bumbling Bombastic Braggart Blowhard Biden Blabs a Tale About the Ukraine That Raises a Few Eyebrows – IOTW Report

Bumbling Bombastic Braggart Blowhard Biden Blabs a Tale About the Ukraine That Raises a Few Eyebrows

Dumbbell Biden brags about shaking down the Ukraine and demanding a federal prosecutor be fired before handing them a billion dollars.

He embellishes it by saying he gave them a tick tock, Godfather-like deadline of 6 hours where either they complied or else. (Never happened.)

The part Biden leaves out is that the prosecutor he demanded be fired was investigating possible corruption that they say was lining the pockets of his son Hunter.

The seemingly buried story is now being resurrected by the new prosecutor in the Ukraine.

Pass the popcorn.


20 Comments on Bumbling Bombastic Braggart Blowhard Biden Blabs a Tale About the Ukraine That Raises a Few Eyebrows

  1. Wow Plantsman, that was a LONG time ago. 😀

    I stopped watching SNL when I found myself saying “end it” at every skit. That was the 70s.

    Oh, and BIDEN SUCK

  2. Joe’s I.Q has to be between 97 and 103 Maximum, and becoming Vice President is beyond where that should get you in the U.S.
    Joe is qualified to head up the U.N though, so let’s hope He doesn’t figure that out.

  3. Keep letting Joe talk

    Even imbeciles will realize
    How dementedly stupid he is.

    Isn’t it bad enough that for 8 years
    he was only a heartbeat away from the presidency.

    The Clarence Thomas hearings were nearly 40 years ago

    But they can be accessed on the web



    See what an ASS Biden is !

  4. When’s Barr going to appoint a grand jury? One hopes he already did and Joey is going to have to get the stand and explain his sons extortion and his own misdeeds. I think maybe the name Biden will be going down in history for all the wrong reasons.

  5. Biden has been wrong on every international policy in all of his time in government. That’s a lot since 1973 … every decision, vote, or bill forwarded has been proven wrong. Biden – “The best a dem can get” YouTube the daft bastard, girl feeling, douchebag, ass hat.


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