Bump Fire Stock versus M-16 – IOTW Report

Bump Fire Stock versus M-16

The M-16 has a continuous flow sound, like a baseball card in the spokes of a rapidly moving bike.

The bump stock sounds mechanical, with clear separation of sound between shots.

The right is currently discussing banning bump fire stocks.

More explanation HERE

ht/c. steven tucker

46 Comments on Bump Fire Stock versus M-16

  1. Spent a few hours in the car today. NPR was wall to wall gun control, NRA has too much power, silencers, gun violence, gun control, NRA supports only Repubs, NRA bad gun grabbing good, IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW because – RECIPROCITY, whining celebrities ( no wait, I saw the whining celebrities on One America News, they were bashing hypocritical celebrities for gun violence films http://www.oann.com/ )

    I listen to NPR so you don’t have to. Gimme a trophy.

  2. “The right is currently discussing banning bump fire stocks.”

    The grifters who play the right for the professional left are practicing their lines to ban bump fire stocks.

  3. A friend has bump fire stocks for both the AR and AKM. I get to play with them one or two times a year.

    Fun, when you can get them to cycle. But then again these are novelties for him so they’re not occupying anything special. Maybe if it was all BCM gear they’d run right. /sarc Supposedly though, this guy had $100,000,000.00 worth of guns, so I’m sure they were all top shelf shit Joe Sixpack never needs. /sarc /sarc

  4. Not aware of anything you can put on your finger. A simple belt loop can make anyone a bump fire expert. I’ve seen on the 10/22 forums a little crank with cams that sounds near automatic.

    Personally, semi auto is fine for me. I prefer placement over displacement in this scenario.

    Brad, I think the extra cut you mentioned is a “low shelf” receiver. Some mfgs. specify this when selling the receiver.

  5. I’ll defer to the superior wisdom of others on this but I’ve been to the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot before and it sounded like either an M60 or a SAW M249 to me.

    I’ve fired bump stocks before and that might have been what he used inside his room against security.

    But the genie is out of the bottle even if they ban them. Any 3D printer can make these things. They are not much more complicated than a hard plastic vacuum accessory.

    If Republicans try to jump out on a ban, they need some kind of concession on something else. Plus, there are so many in circulation at this point it’s not like they are going to expire.

  6. This is the strongest evidence I’ve seen of multiple shooters. Although painful to watch, this guy is on the money. I’ve linked it here before from the beginning, this time focusing on something specific. A suppressed M4 style weapon within 150 yards. I heard this on the news coverage the night it went down and mentioned to the wife it was a 556 gun with a can on it. Anyway FURS covered suppressors and auto guns today so take a listen.


  7. Yup Brad, high and low shelf they’re commonly called. For those not as aware. There’s no law on the cut of the receiver, it’s the auto sear itself. I believe you can cut a high shelf into a low shelf, however some manufacturers are adding slop screws to their receivers. Besides, if you have a RDIAS you can afford to buy a low shelf receiver rather than have a high shelf cut down.

  8. A drop in auto sear can be made easier than a bump stock. But you don’t want to get caught with a DIAS if you’re a good guy. Last I looked a registered one (RDIAS) was about $12k.

  9. old_oaks

    There’s another cut required beside the 5/8 deep shelf, which most Billet Lowers (including ours) are. It’s a cut in the side wall just above 3/8 thru hole for the safety.

  10. Brad, Any chance of the rat-a-tat 556 close fire overlap audio are shells nailing the concrete nearby in the link you posted? What does concrete nailed at 400 yards from the shooter at a 11 degree angle sound like? At multiple distances with different objects in the way.

  11. It’s not gonna be the shooters. Maybe to start. It’s gonna be bombs. Little dirty bombs like Boston. Then they get bigger and blow up bigger stuff….then the combination of bombs and shooters……..It’s been done…..That’s why they call it Israel and they don’t take much shit anymore….

  12. eternal,

    Steel PINGS. I’ve shot a lot of it. The few times I’ve shot concrete I don’t remember much noise at all. Concrete would cause a 556 or 223 round to splinter scrubbing a lot of the energy. That’s probably why not many ricochets.

  13. The ultimate determination would be to isolate the actual muzzle breech acoustics from the others (on 32nd?) given the environment and it’s precise location with exact objects in the way. Actually, it doesn’t seem that hard to prove.

    Brad, the vid you posted, interestingly enough I was able to see flare from the whereabouts of MB on 32nd for a few frames. Maybe I’m going insane from watching this, but there are a few frames there you can see it.

  14. Here is a story not sure if this is good or bad.
    You guys are doing a great job investigating this story

    Fabrications, hoaxes and other lies about the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas this week which killed at least 59 people and wounded well over 500 others have been spreading rampant on YouTube, and it’s unclear if the video giant has any plans to do anything about it.

    Per the Guardian, entering simple search queries like “Las Vegas shooting” into YouTube’s search bar immediately returned a video loudly touting “Proof Las Vegas Shooting Was a FALSE FLAG attack

  15. Best not to get all wrapped around the axle here.

    Previously legal gadgets intended to increase the cyclic rate of semiautomatic rifles such as bump fire stocks, trigger gloves, cranks and binary triggers etc, are not the issue here.
    And in spite of Cankles’ ignorant spewings, the NRA and suppressors are not the culprits either.
    The device used is not the root cause of this act. It might have been a pressure cooker. Or a truck full of fertilizer. Or a hijacked airliner. A lone assassin at a baseball diamond. Maybe a guy with a bomb in his underwear. Even a kid with a clock in a briefcase.
    Instead, what we have is an outrage, literally a massacre.

    Gun-grabbers will milk this for whatever they can, just as they have in the past. They will not let it go to waste.
    In the emotional aftermath neither logic, nor proportion, statistics or Constitutional argument will prevail.
    Make no mistake, they are playing for keeps, and will continually ratchet the pressure.
    Complete civilian disarmament is their plan, a Police State is the goal.

  16. @Four .45’s October 5, 2017 at 9:56 pm

    > Make no mistake, they are playing for keeps, and will continually ratchet the pressure.

    Because The Right Honorable Xen of The Right are the pawls. When the communalists start to slip, it is the Right Honorable Xen of The Right who prevent them from falling behind. Rendering the(se) communalists “no longer a threat” is not who the Right Honorable Xen of The Right are. Harrumph.

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