Bureaucrats Race to Lock in Biden “Legacy” – IOTW Report

Bureaucrats Race to Lock in Biden “Legacy”


The story is about how, if regulators can get rules finalized by April, it won’t be so easy for Donald Trump and congressional Republicans to overturn them, as they did with the regulations Barack Obama imposed just before leaving office.

Federal law – the 1996 Congressional Review Act, to be specific – lets Congress vote to overturn regulations within “60 congressional session days” of when they are finalized. After that, it becomes nearly impossible to get rid of them. More

14 Comments on Bureaucrats Race to Lock in Biden “Legacy”

  1. I said it before, Since the Government has pretty much declared Biden incompetent due to his senility. have any and all of his E.O.s, treaties and laws declared null and void. Treat him as you would an elderly relative who would sign over the deed to his house to some girl scouts. They already concede he is incompetent by their words and deeds.

  2. I’ve read what they’re attempting. If you vote for any candidate you are voting for their policies. If your candidate of choice should be elected you would expect policies to be enacted. How in the hell can this be constitutional. SO according to this attempt to cement policy from former administrations, why do we even need a elected representatives or a Government. Buy more ammo.

  3. @ Cmn¢¢guy THURSDAY, 29 FEBRUARY 2024, 0:00 AT 12:00 AM

    … and he has Paul Ryan to thank for making certain that the will of the governed was thwarted. Obama did what he promised his base of support he would do, Paul Ryan and the Republican establishment lied to conservatives and not only dry shaved them, he did it in the most despicable way. With the help of McConnell, I might add. When it comes to character issues, the Republican establishment is as deep into the bottom of the barrel as possible to go.

    In this case, the Republican establishment has been working in the smoky back rooms and bathhouses in and around DC with the Biden folks on this assault on the American people. I guarandamntee it.

  4. “Just abolish the entire federal government.” “How in the hell can this be constitutional.” It ain’t. But butt lets all hope our Supreme Court gives tRump total immunity. Cause a Biden Seal Six Strike Team is waiting anticipating for their verdict. Total immunity, works both ways.

  5. Bureaucrats are enemies to liberty. They must be eliminated. The structures that create them must be dismantled. The country is screwed otherwise, and our liberty will not exist.

  6. Willard Mitt Romney just did a pop-up on CNN Kaitlan Collins show. Just In Time.

    The former Banker, Lawyer, Trader, Wall of Hollywood Michigan Massachusetts and Utah Streets.

    BTW, that San Franciscan conman Barbie Gavin Newsome is another leading indicator that DNA works. Just an FYI for future futarians fixing futures markets.

    Willard Matt has been a KEY player in the behind the scenes fixing and throwing of elections since Y2K and all RAT plannings and co-ordinations until today.

    Today, is a new day.


    It’s like a special day that happens once in awhile.
    Enjoy, 4EVA

  7. To everyone but a blind fool bidumb (and his evil alter ego, the man behind the curtain pulling the real strings of power, barry obummer) has no legacy but that of division and tearing the country apart so that he and the democrap party and the gutless, chicken shit, linguini spined, weenie RINO’s can maintain their power over every aspect of our lives as American citizens. I have no trust in this current govt. whatsoever, my trust is in God and not this cabal of evil, malevolent miscreants who are hellbent on destroying everything good about America. It’s almost 1:15 AM and I’m awake and I feel the need to pray before I go back to sleep. God help these jerks won’t.


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