Burger King Donating to Pro-Child Sex-Change Group With Every New Chicken Sandwich Sold – IOTW Report

Burger King Donating to Pro-Child Sex-Change Group With Every New Chicken Sandwich Sold

Information Liberation: Burger King under the leadership of CEO Daniel Schwartz have begun donating 40 cents for every sale of its new chicken sandwich to a radical LGBT lobby group that supports child sex changes, the drugging of children with opposite-sex hormones and Drag Queen Story Hours.

“On June 3, Burger King made a cheeky tweet saying it will donate up to $250,000 of the proceeds from its new premium chicken sandwich, Ch’King, to The Human Rights Campaign (HRC),” The Hill reported. “For every hand-breaded chicken sold, 40 cents will go to the cause.”

“The company emphasized that the Ch’King is available on Sunday, taking a jab at Chick-fil-A which observes the Sabbath on Sunday.” more

33 Comments on Burger King Donating to Pro-Child Sex-Change Group With Every New Chicken Sandwich Sold

  1. Burger King went down the tubes 30 + years ago with me. They have the crappiest burgers. But it figures, like all these giant corps in America going commie, support the corruption of a child..

  2. Stopped going there 9 years ago when an employee was zoned out on heroin and was running into the bathroom to throw up. Guess the heroin was a stronger or laced with fentanyl.
    Like I needed another reason NOT to go to burger king.

  3. I believe that the slogan pro-child sex-change is one hell of an oxymoron. The two are totally incompatible, you can’t believe that being pro-child as in the child’s benefit is compatible with saying that a sex-change is beneficial to a child. Once again the damned left confuses the language in order to make it seem like having a sex-change is nothing out of the ordinary and no big deal and is a good thing in their warped anti God worldview.

  4. I would boycott them, but since their food is already crap, I haven’t been to one in years. Actually I don’t eat my meals from bags anymore, anywhere.

  5. The suicide rate for kids that do a sex flip are dam high.
    If that doesn’t get them something else in that life style well.
    What kind of twisted monster does this kind of thing to a kid?

  6. Are we talking about a certain chicken ranch in Nevada if you know what I mean? And they don’t serve chicken there. We used to eat at BK back when they were far cheaper and more affordable when my kids were little 20 + years ago. I don’t think I’ve ate at BK in 10 years or more although my boss bought some Impossible Whoppers for us at work earlier this year, they were OK but I’m not impressed with fake mystery meat.

  7. Change the K to a J and slick willie would be its biggest customer. And then it would be the new home for a fur burger and a side of thighs. One of my friends in HS got the shit slapped out of him by a waitress once for jokingly making that order and he deserved it.

  8. I’ll never patronize Burger King anyway, but this is more ammo if I try to dissuade others.

    It’s kind of funny but I’ll always remember the handful of individual events that made me an anti-fan of certain things. I stopped watching 60 Minutes a long time ago when they f%#@ed Audi in the @ss with the “unintended acceleration” phony exposé. I stopped eating anything from Burger King when they started running the teevee ads with the creepy king. And I’ll never drink another Dr. Pepper after seeing the first ad with the pixie pansy. Those were all instant and permanent turn-offs.

  9. This reminds me of some other slightly humorous nonsense at PAX.

    We had a cable splicer (Bell Atlantic) out of Leonardtown who came on loan to Federal Systems (PAX was a Fed System site, duh).

    He wore a paper BK crown all the time at work. He even had a paper crown taped to his helmet. He did his work just fine, but he was nuts. Nobody could communicate with him. He talked complete gibberish — nonsense.

    “That 2272 cable — did you get that?”

    His answer was, “That bird is cool!”

    He was sent up for evaluation a number of times, but kept coming back, wearing his paper crown, and talking nonsense.

    Eventually he disappeared from PAX.

    I asked Bob McMunn about him a year later and Bob busted out laughing.

    “Why is this funny. That guy had fucking issues.”

    Bob said, “He had become a multi-millionaire upon his father’s death, and was desperately trying to get fired so he could sue the telco! HAAA!”

    “That’s funny?”

    “He wasn’t crazy at all.”


  10. Most of these companies who do this shit, I can’t even boycott because I don’t give them my business anyway. BK, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve ate at one over the years. The food is disgusting and always has been imho.
    I don’t think the one in our nearest town will survive this crap. After they started the impossible burger, their business dried up in a hurry. You can drive by during lunch hour and they’ll have 2 cars in the drive-thru. I’m pretty sure they still don’t allow dine-in. McDonalds doesn’t allow dine-in either, but allows people to come in and order, which is pretty damn stupid if you ask me.
    The local Pizza Hut still only does delivery. The rumor mill is it’s one of the stores that’s going to close. Fine by me their food sucks as well.

  11. They make an awesome chicken sandwich, but I can definitely live without it. They lost me years ago when they started in with their “wage gap” B.S., and it’s only gotten worse since.

  12. Not endorsing any of them, but like ROWW sez, drive past a BK at lunch and you see a few cars. Drive past a McDonalds and there’s a line. Drive past a Chik-Fil-A and there’s two lines wrapped around the joint!
    Whut’s that tell ya BK?
    You Suck! Big Time!
    One thing’s for sure, catering to the perverted pretzel-logic Queers who have nothing better to do than yammer about a kids sexual plumbing sure as Hell ain’t gonna help things!!

  13. Every couple years BK does an ad campaign that riles us up; usually slamming a competitor. But this one has broken the camel’s back. That’s it. BK is dead to us now.

  14. I can only remember eating at BK once, many years ago. I was on Weight Watchers at the time, and the meeting leader was talking about the best places to eat out without sabotaging your diet. BK was the only burger joint that had broiled patties rather than fried ones. So, I got one. Worst burger ever, and it’s pretty hard to mess up a burger. Never went back. Now, I never will.

  15. I had a severe case of food poisoning after eating a BK whopper way the hell back in 1990. Have not been back since & now with this latest wokeness, just another reason not to eat their shitty food.

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