Buried in IG Report: How an FBI Team in Rome Gave Steele Highly Guarded Secrets – IOTW Report

Buried in IG Report: How an FBI Team in Rome Gave Steele Highly Guarded Secrets

RCI: A month before the 2016 presidential election, the FBI met Christopher Steele in Rome and apparently unlawfully shared with the foreign opposition researcher some of the bureau’s most closely held secrets, according to unpublicized disclosures in the recent Justice Department Inspector General report on abuses of federal surveillance powers.

What’s more, Steele, the former British spy who compiled the “dossier” of conspiracy theories for the Hillary Clinton campaign, was promised $15,000 to attend the briefing by FBI agents eager to maintain his cooperation in their Trump-Russia collusion investigation codenamed Crossfire Hurricane.

That investigation was so closely guarded that only a handful of top officials and agents at the FBI were allowed to know about it.

The report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz details how a team of FBI agents in early October 2016 shared with Steele extensive classified materials, just weeks before the bureau cut off ties with him for leaking his own research to the media. The secrets included foreign intelligence information still considered so sensitive that the IG’s report refers to it even now only as coming from a “Friendly Foreign Government.” In fact, this is a reference to Australia. That country’s ambassador to Britain sent the United States a tip about loose talk by junior Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos. The FBI has described that as the predicate for its Trump-Russia investigation.  read more

7 Comments on Buried in IG Report: How an FBI Team in Rome Gave Steele Highly Guarded Secrets

  1. all the Swamp emanations start w/ the DOJ

    after they’ve been squeezed & prosecuted it’s on to the political whores

    … so much work to do … shame that 4 years have been wasted

  2. Christopher Steele = former British spy was promised $15,000 compiled the “dossier” of conspiracy theories for the Hillary Clinton campaign
    The report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz details how a team of FBI agents in early October 2016 shared with Steele extensive classified materials.
    a “tip” about loose talk by junior Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.
    Christopher Steele = former British spy now known as 00DOH..
    ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – Nailed it,,,


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