Burn Down the Suburbs Says Milwaukee Thug’s Sister – IOTW Report

Burn Down the Suburbs Says Milwaukee Thug’s Sister

Sister of armed Milwaukee man shot dead by cop tells rioters to ‘burn down the suburbs’

  • Sylville Smith was shot dead by a police officer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Saturday night, after reportedly pulling a gun on the cop 
  • His death caused riots in the city, and several buildings were burned to the ground 
  • On Sunday, his sister Sherelle spoke at a burned down gas station and told protesters to take the violence to the suburbs   
  • ‘You’re burning down s*** we need in our community. Take that s*** to the suburbs. Burn that s*** down,’ she said 
  • In an interview, Sherelle also revealed that her brother knew the officer who shot them, since they both went to high school together 
  • The name of the officer has not been released, due to death threats 

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Cop who shot thug went to high school with him.

30 Comments on Burn Down the Suburbs Says Milwaukee Thug’s Sister

  1. Of note is that CNN
    used only the first half
    of the b!tch’s statement,
    claiming she was “calling for peace”:

    Burnin down shit ain’t going to help nothin! Y’all burnin’ down shit we need in our community. Take that shit to the suburbs. Burn that shit down! We need our shit! We need our weaves. I don’t wear it. But we need it.”

    (in bold is all CNN used)

  2. Must’ve been hard for the cop who shot the miserable SOB… I hope they weren’t previous friends either bc I’m sure that right now the poor officer just wants it all to be over. 🙁

    (The sister should be charged for disruption of the peace, and for insighting violence.)

  3. I’ve always wondered why they burn their own neighborhoods down. My dad was convinced that they would change their strategy to attacking suburbia so he made us kids play in the backyard during the 68 riots in LA.

    We moved far, far away in 69 btw.

  4. It is amazingly stupid to burn the ghetto-rats out of their ghetto-rat-warrens.

    Take the fight to whitey. Take the bottles, rocks, and bricks into the suburbs against the ARs, AKs, 1911s, and 9s.

    May God have mercy on your souls.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. quit egging these animals on with your cries of “bring it”.
    it’s going to be bad enough when it happens and having to shoot those feral animals will not bring any pleasure to myself. but I won’t let that stop me either.

    ridding our land of all these traitorous feral animals will however prove to be like the re-greening of a forest after a fire.

    lots of new growth and quiet.

  6. old_oaks, you nailed it.
    Presumably they steal their ammo, and it is unlikely to be hollow-point. And if they would buy it, they sure wouldn’t pay upwards of a dollar a round.

  7. Mr. Mxyzptlk, They take what they can get, ball ammo is most common because most people dispose of it at the range. I have about a 10:1000 ratio of defense to ball ammo. Range ammo is just going to poke holes through people, which is probably a good thing in places like Chicago.

  8. Someone above said this is a “disruption of the peace”. No, this is not a mere disruption of peace, according to the law this is a terrorist threat and this woman needs to be arrested.

  9. @ Bill, I applaud your opinion and am happy to know fellow citizens like yourself.

    Every storm passes, and we will carry on, likely better off, after this one is over.
    Not every person living in this country deserves to be here.

  10. “We need our weaves.” What an idiot. So it’s OK to have a dead criminal brother be the excuse to riot and burn down suburbs, but don’t touch the hood, because that’s where weaves are sold.
    To reference the queen of cultural appropriation, First Mooch, “All this for a weave?”

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