Burn Unit – IOTW Report

Burn Unit

14 Comments on Burn Unit

  1. “The majority of the Republicans in the House and Senate, as well as the President, campaigned and continually promised to defund Planned Parenthood.”

    “We’ve been lied to, again. The Republican Congress just passed a massive budget bill that includes over half a billion dollars in tax payer money for Planned Parenthood.”

    Republicans Once Again Fail to Defund Planned Parenthood

  2. I don’t see the problem here…

    I am PRO CHOICE ! Why does everyone get so upset?
    Who gets to make the choice? Is it the Grandparents? No, they are to far down the line to be the ones who get to decide.
    Is it the Father? No, though he is part of the one’s who are responsible.
    Is it the Mother? No, even though she is part of the one’s who are responsible and the one who faces the burden and physical challenges in the near term, she is NOT the one facing a death sentence.
    The Baby? Yes, the one facing the death sentence should be the one with the decision of choice. However, in our society the parents are responsible (or should act that way) for most of the decisions for the child until they reach adulthood.

    Please note that I did say that the parents get to make MOST of the decisions for the child. Our LAWS are quite clear, if the parents choose to kill their child, then they are prosecuted for murder.

    Why does our society decide that it is OK to murder your child as long as they are really young?

    Be kind to the life you have been given. It is precious beyond measure. Ask someone who is terminally ill whether they would want all the riches of the world, or would they rather have a few years of pain free, healthy life.

    When you ask the Baby whether they want to be burned alive or chopped to pieces, and that child gives you THEIR choice, then and only then can you say that a person’s choice has been upheld and justice has been done.

    MSG Grumpy

    I am PRO CHOICE, but understand that liberals are NOT PRO CHOICE despite what they say.
    As always it is the liberals who deny choice, they are the party of tight government control of ALL areas of life from conception until way past death itself (Try to be buried in a plain pine box and see what I mean.

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