Burning Man Marred By Class Envy – IOTW Report

Burning Man Marred By Class Envy

The annual arts festival held in a Nevada desert every Labor Day weekend was blemished  this year by a raid on the ultra rich “White Ocean” section of the camping grounds. A group of burners took exception to the wealthy Silicon Valley types slumming in luxury among them.

 Some participants were calling the vandalism a “revolution against the rich parasites.”




17 Comments on Burning Man Marred By Class Envy

  1. I followed Burning Man and thought it was kind of a fun, hippie thing where class distinctions were left behind. From what I read about it even the rich people that came pretty well came with what the poorer hippie folks had and everyone was at an even level. As a festival that was ok however it would never work in real life. The crazy crap that they got into was also a fun watch. I think that the silicon valley and the assorted billionaires lost sight of what the festival was about and started the process of ruining it. They got what they deserved and maybe next year they’ll not show up. It figures a Russian billionaire was one of the people that started this “white ocean” circle of luxury within the festival. I wonder where he stole his money from.

  2. I have a great close friend who has attended Burning Man for years. He doesn’t do drugs but he sure has a fun time watching people. He just got back so I will ask him what he thought about all the 1%ers intrusion.

    Look. I think anyone can get as filthy rich as they want to. But they should not puss out and make themselves a tent equivalent to that of a ritzy New York apartment. Given the nature of the event and its original mission they should just show up with the bare minimum and not bring all the luxuries of home. Makes you look like a bunch of sheltered pussies. Which they are anyway. I’m glad they got vandalized. They deserved it.

  3. Destroying someones property to make a social statement is not OK. Make them unwelcome,sure. But respect private property. Once responsibility for this behavior is reasoned away. It takes on a life of it’s own. Next, they destroy the camp site playing racist, white privilege, country music. Any excuse, as long as it’s socially justified. Kinda like what we see from BLM and Occupy.

  4. I talked to a coworker who went, she had a wonderful time and was unaware of the ‘class envy’ stuff. She camped in a tent, but had a friend’s RV to retreat to when needed. You literally cannot purchase anything there except for ice ($3 per bag), and everyone is sharing everything. I’m sure there were some squabbles.
    Our mutual boss also went, he is huge into BM, hosted a dinner last month that included some of the founders. He spent about $30k this year, including a 40′ RV rental and of course had his driver/personal assistant out there.

  5. This is a Prima Facie evidence of how deeply our nation has become divided, thanks to the half nubian community disorganizer in the White Hut. Lay that shit at his door, he worked for it, he connived to bring it about, he earned it, now let him hang for it. Never in our history (including the Civil War) have we been so destructively focused on differences. Can that be even a little ironic? more like absurd! Full scale revolution is closer than you think. Time to rid our nation of Barky and his minions, like Cankles. Unadulterated EVIL. Sweep out the lot like Congressional Black Caucus, the BLM, and the fomenters of corpophagia, i.e. shit eaters, those who infiltrate our nation at its borders. The Muslim terrorists and plotters need to be rooted out and destroyed. Like Trump says, Take our Country Back!

  6. “You literally cannot purchase anything there except for ice…”

    Um, They have businesses there.

    Restaurants and bars, at least.

    I wanted to see if google maps showed anything at Black Rock and the whole event is there to see. Don’t know what year it is yet.

    But when I first zoomed in Spanky’s Wine Bar caught my eye first.

    Spanky’s ground level at Burning Man:


    Spanky’s, Black Rock Boutique, and other businesses from the air:


    Zoom out to see more.

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