Burning Man Put Out by Rain – IOTW Report

Burning Man Put Out by Rain

Washington Examiner

Organizers shut down the entrance to the Burning Man counterculture festival in the Nevada desert Saturday as powerful storms inundated the site with rain.

All movement in and out of Black Rock City, the temporary encampment in the Black Rock Desert where the festival is held each year, has been halted, according to reporting from ABC News, and the city’s on-site airport has also been closed. Around 73,000 attendees, who are now effectively stranded in the desert, are being advised to find shelter and conserve food, water, and fuel. More

36 Comments on Burning Man Put Out by Rain

  1. Fake hippie cluster fuckery is notoriously pathetic and lame. The Dave Mathews Charlie Foxtrot goes on at The Gorge Amphitheater today, about forty miles east of my current location, and a hot steaming diaper load it will be.

  2. Remember the FTX dork on steroids and his moron girlfriend? Multiply that pair by about thirty five thousand and that’s your Burning Man Festival. A giant gathering of Garbage Pail Kids.

  3. Not sure I’m gonna be able to finish off all this delicious schadenfreude, come on guys, make yourself a plate.
    It’s sweeter than schnitzel.
    Playa literally means instant mud pit, just add water.
    “It’s the desert…” No, there is a pan under all that mud, hardened clay.
    The water/mud stays longer than you would think.
    Rode a lot on a dry lake bed in CA, El Mirage, would get and stay nasty after a rain.

  4. This is what happens at the confluence of woke clusterfuckery and reality. What the bastards are going to find out is that gumbo will build up on their tires and after tearing the fenders and quarter panels all to shit their vehicles will come to a dead stop. High desert is not that forgiving. I’m all for defunding all emergency services in Nevada until Thursday or Friday.

  5. @ OTD AT 1:02 PM

    The funniest experience I have with it is when some man buns and their stupid coed cohorts from UofM buried their Land Rovers and Jeep’s that daddy had bought them before sending them off to Missoula to be brainwashed buried them to the rocker panels between Winnett and Muscle Shell. After digging them out they couldn’t drive any faster than ten mph because of the mud had the wheels so out of balance.

  6. Burning Man is at bottom a satanic celebration. One of the main “art installations” this year is a gigantic “chapel of Babel.” Notice “chapel”, not “tower”.

    News said there are about 73K people stuck there after 6″ of rain on Friday and another 3″ last night, but the official attendance was about 100K.

    It was super-fun looking at the photos at Daily Mail. Mail reported that event goers were praying to the gods of playa to stop the rain and were transported when a break in the weather produced an enormous double rainbow. Not a one there, apparently, has eyes to see or ears to hear.

    Our God is awesome.

  7. I have never been to Burning Man and never will go to another hippie festival in my lifetime. My only experience with this kind of hippie madness was over the 4th of July weekend in 1971 just after I graduated from HS at Farragut State Park in N. Idaho took place. It was a mini- Woodstock hippie free for all with all the drugs and alcohol and naked people and music and stupid kids running around pretending it was fun. It was and it wasn’t, drugs and alcohol and the stupidity of young dumbass kids doesn’t mix. And no, I don’t miss the 60’s and 70’s, it was the best of times and the worst of times all at the same time.

  8. Anonymous at 12:30 pm

    So did they bring raincoats or are they still running around naked?

    I saw videos of fat guys and women wallowing around in the mud getting a mud bath. Something you see pigs do regularly on a pig farm.

  9. Heh @geoff, same time.
    Always professed; If you remember the ’60s, you weren’t there.
    I was at Haight and Ashbury, 1971.
    Wish I had bought up a bunch of posters, they were selling for a dime, 3 for a quarter.
    Worth a lot of money now.

  10. Abandoned and locked in out in the Nevada desert. Conserve food, water, and fuel because the event organizers have no emergency plan and it’s too far away to bring anything in now. Rots o ruck

  11. all the so called “enlightened” ones (biteme supporters) have no survival experience, instinct, or self discipline
    what on earth will they do when their phone batteries run out

    the roads in and out are closed with very heavy sticky mud that’ll turn hard & be impossible to dig out from with no tools
    fuckem LOLOL

  12. They mocked God and He’s just returning the favor. He even showed them what a rainbow is really about. Once they revert to their open air pooping everyone’s going to get sick. A big sloppy stinky lesson in karma. But they’re all too dumb to realize it, and will continue to blaspheme the true and living God.

  13. One of them has kicked their own bucket according to the broadcast news. I suspect the assholes are running generators in ponding water. Living is shit and piss is their natural state, but on this scale the whole dynamic changes.

  14. JH – One of the best ways to check a generator output is to use yer tongue like you do with a 9V battery. The only difference is that the tongue rolls up like a loose window shade and slaps you into eternity!

  15. I wonder if they’re still wallowing in the mud? Seems to me there’s a lot of piss in that mud – crap too. Saw people wading up to their ankles in that crap. Well they paid for it, may as well stick it out eh?

  16. I remember talking to somebody that went there and how that they were not allowed to leave anything behind including any type of water.
    And then seeing a documentary on it pointing out all the trash left behind everywhere. Yeah, communist ruin everything even if it sucks to begin with.
    My guess is they are shaking their fists at the God they don’t believe in?

  17. A few years ago there was this festival, the crazy promoter filmed the disaster from beginning to end. Festival goers were going nuts in some inconvenient circumstances that were mild compared to this debacle. Same types in attendance no doubt.
    This seems beyond outrageous and oh so satisfying simultaneously since I cannot muster up one iota of sympathy for a single pathetic liberal loser who finds going to burning man appropriate in this time of struggle in America.
    It’s as if the Lord said “you don’t have struggles enough daily? We’ll see about that now.”
    There’s a film about the so-called Fyre Festival and in it you get an image or two of how these people respond to inconveniences and disappointments. The Playa at this moment in time is in an apocalyptic state and those 100,000 +/- are immersed in an act of God. I lift them all up to God to have His Way. That’s how I always pray, for His will to be done, in Jesus’s name.

  18. From Burning Man to Drowning Man. In both instances God in his mercy through Christ spared these pagan imbeciles and hard-headed, wicked people from a fate worse than death, a chance to avoid eternity in Hell.

    God even sent them a rainbow to confirm His grace and mercy for these God hating souls;
    Genesis 9:16
    “And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.”
    God proves his love for his creation-man, in so many ways even though man continues on a self destructive path – by choice.

    Those Neo-hippies better get a clue. Yes, God is merciful, but His grace has term and time limits. Quoting a celebrated backsliden, queer, heathenistic “person of color”, James Baldwin – It will be fire next time;
    Revelation 21:8
    “…But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
    What a fate. Moreover, what a loving God who would prepare a rescue through life affirming sacrifice, for those who constantly reject Him.

    If just one person accepts Christ as their Savior and Lord because of the Burning Man flood, it will be considered by God a great victory;
    Luke 15:4-7
    4 “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?
    5 and when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
    6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’
    7 I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.”

    God truly is the hope for the world as Christ declared;
    John 3:16
    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”


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