Bus aide who grabbed child’s ‘MAGA’ hat suspended without pay – IOTW Report

Bus aide who grabbed child’s ‘MAGA’ hat suspended without pay

Wash Times-

A school bus assistant who was seen on video snatching a pro-President Trump “Make America Great Again” hat off a 14-year-old student’s head has been suspended, school officials in South Florida decided Tuesday.

The Martin County School Board voted 5-0 to suspend Delores Matheny for four days without pay and order her to undergo further professional training for her behavior during the March 5 incident, a local NBC affiliate reported.

Surveillance video from a bus en route to Hidden Oaks Middle School showed Ms. Matheny yelling at 14-year-old Gunnar Johansson for wearing the hat and then grabbing the hat off of his head.

“Boy, if you don’t that hat off on this bus — take it off!” the bus aide yelled in the video.

Gunnar told local media that he wore his hat that day “to show my pride in Trump America” after the school lifted its hat policy for students if they made a donation to March of Dimes.


But let’s make a turkey hunter’s life a “living hell.”

14 Comments on Bus aide who grabbed child’s ‘MAGA’ hat suspended without pay

  1. A four day suspension?

    Maybe I’m on the fringe , but I would think an assault on a child by someone in a position of authority should result in being permanently fired and then banned from any any other employment involving student contact.

    But, as I said, I’m probably on the fringe of things for thinking this way.

  2. After she goes through “sensitivity training” they better not let her keep the same route. She should be relegated to the worst possible, most hated route.

    Edit: I agree with Anonymous 10:37am. She should be charged with assault and fired.

  3. This abusive, bullying woman has no business being around children. She needs to be fired period. There should be some type of punishment for her actions. Perhaps public service by being a ticket taker and a nearby Trump Rally would be appropriate.

  4. …and then they let this demonstrably unstable person drive a bus again.

    …maybe NEXT time she’ll see a MAGA bumper sticker, and go to ramming speed. Or MAGA kid gets on the bus, and she decides the best way to deal with it is to drive off a cliff, and take the other kids to hell with her too, because THEY didn’t HELP her.

    …seriously, you can’t tell WHAT a deranged person might do. They are crazy, so they are going to have crazy thoughts. Once they show red, though, it should AT LEAST behoove you to take them off the 30,000 pound motorized weapon, to protect the 66 children aboard and everyone OUTSIDE the bus, too…

  5. And that is just one of many things wrong with public school and any government agency. 4 day suspension for assaulting a minor.

    This woman sounded black to me though, so before long she will moved to a management position or receive millions of dollars from taxpayers for being discriminated against. That’s how it works with government, being dumb, black and queer will move you up the ranks in no time, add being a female to that list and it’s record time.

  6. First she should be _____. After a couple hours of that, then ______ and ___ before she’s forced to ________. Then we can all laugh & point, watching as she’s finally _______.

  7. I’m not necessarily proud of saying this. I have been a life lone Republican. I am 75. I live in Seattle. The far left has scared me enough to not wear any MAGA clothing. That’s wrong. But when two elderly women verbally attacked me because they overheard me say I liked Trump to another man, who was a Sanders’supporter, which didn’t bother me. The two old crones did. I have not been back to eat at that senior center since. How many stories have been in print telling of seniors being attacked by young, moronic thugs attacking the rights of others. These attacks should be a major felony.


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