Bush and Obama Are Teaming Up – IOTW Report

Bush and Obama Are Teaming Up

30 Comments on Bush and Obama Are Teaming Up

  1. Coming Soon . . .

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  2. @Uncle Al at my 1128

    May I get a clarification for the record . . .

    did you say “Teaming up publicly for ‘a’ change”

    or did you say “Teaming up publicly, for Chamge”

    Thanks in advance for setting the record straight

  3. Bush is an artist you know.
    Just like Hunter.

    Bush paints like a 12 year Old,
    And Hunter Spits paint through a straw.

    Add Festerman & Joey Shitpants…

    What a legacy of JACKASSES.

  4. Teaming up implies a future effort. Whoever wrote that headline is a bit slow on the uptake. They have been teamed up at least since that Obama shitfinger showed up on the national scene. Look Goddamn it, it’s them against real Americans and them includes the Republican establishment, particularly the fucking Bush clan and their hangers on.

  5. They teamed up 12 years ago to defeat a Ronny GOP man named Joe. They backed a Commie not even on the ballot. The only commie to win state wide election in Alaska ever! Proof that Barry’s 1960 book was honest; this Commie was welcomed into the GOP. She got a lot of $ from another “Bush Republican” this year.

    BTW this election was truey unique. Both big parties had men on the ballot ; but “the movers and shakers” of the 2 parties did not back “their man” but backed a commie!

    GWB and BHO have been a team for at least 13 years!

    For those unfamiliar with America’s Communist party her name is Lisa. “Bush Republican” is Mitch.

  6. Hmm, a lecture from globalists. How exciting! Ebony and Ivory too. Well, half ebony. A fundamental transformation victory lap. I can hardly wait to hear how good things actually are and how much better they’re going to be.

  7. I’m not surprised that obama and Bush are teaming up. Prior to Obama running for president the well-established rumor around Chicago was that Barack spent most of his days in the men’s bath houses of the city. He would check in on a Wednesday and not exit until Friday. The word on the street was that Barack preferred white cock of older men. Like most gay relationships, Big Mike didn’t mind.
    Just pointing out the natural attraction between these two, that’s all.

  8. @JDHasty November 14, 2022 at 12:45 am

    > it’s them against real Americans and them includes the Republican establishment

    “Them” includes everybody who supports them.

    Which includes everybody who tells you to support them. Even, especially, now, those who tell you to support them by “standing down”. “For now”. “This time”. “Not yet”.


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