Bush foundation chief who organized unity letter previously leaked Steele dossier – IOTW Report

Bush foundation chief who organized unity letter previously leaked Steele dossier

JTN: The executive director of the George W. Bush Institute, who organized a letter from presidential libraries calling for national unity, previously leaked the now-debunked Steele dossier to reporters during height of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

David Kramer, who worked in the State Department under President George W. Bush and was an associate of the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), pushed for the foundations and centers of former presidents to sign a letter about unifying the country.

However, in 2016 Kramer provided the Steele dossier to BuzzFeed, which published it without corroborating its allegations that then-President-elect Donald Trump was a puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin. more

8 Comments on Bush foundation chief who organized unity letter previously leaked Steele dossier

  1. It’s all rotten, rotten to the core. Unity of free men with communists? You write your joke stroke unity letters with your rotten pen in your rotten hand and have a field day. Where communists are involved the only unity worth looking at is unity in purpose and tactics regarding how to eliminate the communists completely.

  2. Was a fan of “EL Rusbo” for decades.

    He told us in 1998, “Bush Republicans are Democrats”.

    Rusbo was right 25 years ago! Would be right today were he alive!

    The degenerate Bush clan have been liberal liars for 45 years! No morals, ethics, courage (I’ve shed more blood for America than 4 entire generations of Bush!), decency nor integrity!


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