Bush is the fiscal conservative we were supposed to anoint as president? – IOTW Report

Bush is the fiscal conservative we were supposed to anoint as president?

February 13th 2015 Wapo Headline:

Bush blows away GOP rivals with 2016 war chest

January 28th 2016 Reuters Headline:

Campaigning in style: How Jeb Bush blew through his war chest

Donors are complaining that the dumb country club republican oaf blew through his entire war chest staying at boutique hotels, flying private planes and having meaningless rooftop soirees by the pool that cost way too much given he is at the back of the back.

The failed campaign denies he did anything wrong.

jeb bush head palm

10 Comments on Bush is the fiscal conservative we were supposed to anoint as president?

  1. In addition to the extravagance, he paid for a ton of Trump ads, too. If he were President, I can’t help.but think that he’d also be pretty blase` about giving foreign aid to our enemies.

  2. DO you mean that Karl Rove picked the wrong horse???? Figures, as Rove is as dumb as his horse….the RePubes are going down this time…harder than ever, to be decimated, unless they get behind a winner like Trump/Cruz…and stop being led around by the Dhimmos who have their chains through GOP nose rings…voters are waking up to what’s going on with the Media darlings, the Dhimmo threats, and the Peril America is now facing thanks to that traitorous fakir fake in the WH…

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