Let’s Stick a Pin in This Post – IOTW Report

Let’s Stick a Pin in This Post

Each year Financial Times columnist, Lucy Kellaway, recognizes the worst examples of business jargon by handing out Golden Flannel Awards.


There is still time to submit examples.  Meanwhile, you can review her collection in a reference source they’re calling the Guffipedia.


Previous winners here and here

15 Comments on Let’s Stick a Pin in This Post

  1. Exceeding customers Expectations.
    Raise the bar!
    You need to be “pro-Active”and my favorite,coming from upper Management ..now that we’re in the Turd Quarter……Straight faces were kept! Fun times.

  2. People in business who have to rely on jargons have no business being in whatever position they currently have.
    A past president at my company used this acronym frequently:
    DFMO – defects per million opportunities
    He called making bad products an “opportunity”? No shit.
    I swear – you could eliminate 1/3 of the upper middle and executive management positions at most fortune 500 companies and nobody would ever notice.

  3. I think the lifetime award would go to “Touch Base”

    Everything is about Touching Base with some people. Or “Going Forward”

    Let’s Touch Base and then Go Forward.

    Keep your hands off my base, yo.

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