But, It’s So Cute – IOTW Report

But, It’s So Cute

A woman in Colorado found a baby raccoon and brought it home. Thinking it was the most adorable thing ever, she invited 20 friends over to play with her orphan friend. When the lady contacted a localĀ animal shelter to see if they’d take theĀ beast in, they asked if her find had been tested yet for rabies. More

17 Comments on But, It’s So Cute

  1. City folk ain’y that bright.
    They are one of the worst carriers. About 10-15 years ago we had issues with them where i live. We had to put 5 or 6 down (me and my neighbors) of showing signs of disease. Middle of the day wondering in circles, beating their heads in the ground, dazed and confused. So that fall i trapped 54 of them within a mile radius of the house. Hardly anyone trapped or hunted them in years and the numbers had exploded.
    I have caught hundreds over the years and i always use glove when handling them.

  2. “Middle of the day wondering in circles, beating their heads in the ground, dazed and confused.”

    It’s very sad to see animals that way. I always feel bad for the sick ones.

    Well, except liberals.

  3. Crazy neighbor lady feeds them, which is fine, they hang out down by her house. Apparently though, one was infected and it was on my property, it eventually made it to another neighbor’s property. He called the DNR, but the local guy was off duty. He advised the homeowner to shoot it, which he did. This was while there was snow on the ground. The crazy cat lady that feeds raccoons was traumatized at the sight of the blood stain in the snow.

    They’re not cats!

  4. The Dems play on liberal emotions like guilt. Lets assume this woman thought she was being compassionate (or she is just a dunce). Logic and reasoning were trumped by emotion and the risk to herself was bad enough but she was willing to expose others to the same risk. Now I bet she also believes the children should not be separated from families and its all Trumps fault, even though the risks are real and known she’s willing to expose all of us to danger for her to feel good. These people should NEVER be allowed to make important decisions.

  5. I used to wake up to juvenile raccoons who would crawl on top of a shed outside my bedroom and peer at their reflections in the window while making a “clicking” sound.

  6. Coons … always lookin for a hand-out.
    We got em, and yeah, they’re cute when they’re little … just like … well, most wild animals. Baby squirrels are cute, too, but they sure get into the potted plants when they grow up. Baby deer, too. Baby armadillos, too.

    Wife feeds em all. I don’t hunt, but I’m bout ready to kill all of em.
    This morning the coons stole the hummingbird drank.
    And that was AFTER they’d raided the goose compound – eating most of the scratch grain.

    They just don’t know when enough’s enough.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I’ve had a few ventures with young raccoons. They are extremely adorable. And very mischievous. Always hungry. Always grabbing non-stop. I’ve had a young raccoon suckle my pinky finger. Nom nom. They don’t bite. Not me, anyway.

  8. A raccoon killed my last cat, a stray, I named him Scruffy, because his long hair had some massive matts that need to be shaved off. He was a ginger tabby and the sweetest cat I had ever owned.

  9. Typical…

    People with their wrong headed thinking…

    Had a neighbor who fed the critters and created a nuisance for the entire subdivision. As many as thirteen coons, possums and others in her yard at night at one time or another. Never hit her garbage cans, but did everybody else’s as we didn’t have the pans full of food in our yards. Took a number of YEARS to clean up the problem after she finally stopped feeding because she got fined. Fun times learning how to handle live trapped skunks and I’m here to tell you they don’t run out of ammunition to spray even after dozens of times. Have one of my “Grumpy” tee shirts that still has the faint odor after something like twenty years…


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