“Hello There Friends, Learn how to make Butter in less than 10 Minutes! This technique is so simple a CHILD COULD DO IT! You only need one ingredient and one tool. I use a stand mixer, but you could also use a Food Processor. Either way it is super fast and super easy to make Butter! You should all try it at least once just to see how delicious it is! “

SNIP: OK, look. I HAD to post this. The way Chef Jean-Pierre says “Butter” and wiggles his fingers made me laugh.
h/t Heaux.
Been there
Done that
It was Good
It was always Good
It will always be Good
Thank God for Good Stuff
I’ve done it in a mason jar before. The buttermilk is a nice bonus for baking.
Nice to see Chef Jean-Pierre in a post. He’s definitely a character with years of a successful restaurant career. I’ve only cook a couple of his recipes but almost always enjoy his videos.
Brad Leone, a manager in the Bon Appetit test kitchen is another favorite for fermentation and playing with food in general. “Brad Makes Cultured Butter” teaches adding a splash of buttermilk to introduce live bacteria to the pasteurized cream and make a cultured butter.
I always get 4 Tigers and have them chase each other around a tree until they turn into ghee (butter)….I get my tigers from Etsy….
I love Chef Jean-Pierre.
I subscribe to his channel.
He’s so non conceited about cooking.
Altemura Bread
Olive Oil
Or Butter
Sauces in a Bottle
CO2 Sauce x 2
Sun Dried Oil Soaked Tomato for paste
Mushroom Chips or Whole
Three Meats or none
Nothing stronger than Romano
Heaven Sent
Little Black Sambo still lives in the memory of old guys. My dad finally got me to quit using margarine a few years ago, he lived to be almost 89 so a little extra fat didn’t kill him, all those years of smoking cigarettes finally did.
I watch him, Justin Wilson & when I really need a good recipe I watch John Witherspoon, Cooking for poor people.
Butter is FOOD!
I’m making Christmas sugar cookies right now – but with store-bought butter.
Better butter makes bitter batter better!
Margarine like fake American processed cheese and Velveeta is not real food. Butter is real food, the way it was intended to be.
On YouTube search for “Paula Deen’s Butter Popsicle and Drinks Butter”
My friend Melanie Hutsell (former SNL) created a Paula Deen impression, and particularly this bit. Very funny.
We used to milk the cows, dump the milk in a cream separator, take the skim milk and pour it in with the hog slop, put the cream in the butter churn, take the butter and put it in the refrigerator to use, sell or trade, put some of the fresh butter on your flapjacks and in your oatmeal with a bit of fresh cream you held back add some brown sugar and they say grace and eat breakfast.
My eight year old eats butter sammiches. Two slices of bread and a 1/4 lb stick of butter.
Latex Glove Warning
And Stocking Stuffing Too
Love this guy. You should watch him make a meat loaf.
Give this sammich a shot
Bread n Butter Pickles on Toast
Add Onions for More Flavored Fun
How do you guys get to watch the video? I tried but I am faced with a Verbo ad without the usual countdown to skip ads. After that, ANOTHER ad pops up. I ain’t got time for this!
Try Bread & Butter Pickles, Peanut Butter, and a thin layer of mustard. If you’re feeling fancy, a bit of lettuce.
oldvet50 – I use Brave Browser and you never see ads on YT. Been using it for about four years and can’t complain.
Picture This
Get some Heavy Cream, 36-42% FAT+
and Whip it. Whip it Good.
Until It Leaks.
Then Chill.
That’s About It.
That’s a Triple
I hope this is being DVR’d
JDHasty, tell your boy to sprinkle some white sugar on the butter. He can thank me later.
^^^^^ And Cinnamon.
Butter, Bacon, Salt
The other holy trinity.
I’m definitely trying that, & that guy is a joy to watch.
My grandmother had milk cows and beef cattle. She made butter from the milk in a crockery churn. To her it became drudgery but I thought it was fun.
Mrs radiomattm
That was my snack as a kid. 👍👍
My favorite restaurant as a kid was Sambos until they deemed it insensitive. Going to a pancake house as a kid, nothing more delicious than fried bread drowning in melted butter and syrup.