Buttidope Unwittingly Admits Conservatives Are Not Homophobic – IOTW Report

Buttidope Unwittingly Admits Conservatives Are Not Homophobic

BUTTIGIEG: “And as an elected official in the state of Indiana when Mike Pence was governor, at a certain point, when it came to professional setbacks, I had to wonder whether just acknowledging who I was, was going to be the ultimate career-ending professional setback. I came back from the deployment and realized that you only get to live one life. And I was not interested in not knowing what it was like to be in love any longer, so I just came out. I had no idea what kind of professional setback it would be, especially because inconveniently it was an election year in my socially conservative community. What happened was that, when I trusted voters to judge me based on the job that I did for them, they decided to trust me and re-elected me with 80 percent of the vote.”


So, somehow he managed to convince homophobic conservatives to vote for him? He’s special.

Video at Grabien

13 Comments on Buttidope Unwittingly Admits Conservatives Are Not Homophobic

  1. Not liking someone or something is not a phobia.

    Much like disagreeing or disputing a matter of of public importance is not tantamount to Holocaust Deniers.

    Take these two arrows of the Liberal Debate Quiver and they’d have STFU two thirds of the time.

  2. “…when I trusted voters to judge me based on the job that I did for them, …”

    Huh, imagine that. You might want to pass around a quiet word in your community this goes much further than waving your personal predilections around on top of the Gay Pride flagpole (no pun intended) and insisting that you need special protections and acknowledgement that you are just peachy.

    We mostly don’t give a fuck how you’re wired to your naughty bits, if you can refrain from making that ALL you are.

  3. The devil you know is preferable to the devil you don’t know. Based on what I’ve heard about his performance they chose badly with the devil they knew. Of course they were the ones choosing, so…???

  4. So he was great enough to overcome the homophobia and still win everyone’s approval. Laughable. So it goes in our current today Victimocracy. I read a social media post the other day from an Inst-babe, eye candy account. She was crowing about how she “makes more money than most men, even with the gender pay gap.” Hilarious lack of self-awareness. In a victimocracy, the victims triumph, but then they have to be on guard about losing their victimhood. So the results are hilarious. Don’t forget that Hillary won the popular vote but also lost due to sexism. Victims win and cry too. Females current dominate several of our institutions, even with patriarchy oppressing them! Even greater they are.

  5. There is no such thing as homophobia. It does not exist. It is not a recognized mental condition in the psychiatric community.

    It is nothing but queers using the same tactic nazis used. I.e. telling a lie enough times to make people believe it.

    Homophobia is a fraud.

  6. Cut the crap with the term homophobic.

    I do not fear homosexuals; I detest their degenerate life style choice. They are a biological dead end, a horrible example and sinful diversion, which contributes to fewer marriages.


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