Buttigieg Believes Trump Made the Right Decision to Kill Soleimani But He Won’t Give Credit… Yet – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Believes Trump Made the Right Decision to Kill Soleimani But He Won’t Give Credit… Yet

Townhall: South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D), an Afghanistan veteran, told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he believes President Donald Trump made the right decision in ordering an airstrike to take out Qasem Soleimani, but he’s not ready to give the president credit.

“After the strike you called Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian general who was killed, you called him a threat to the safety and security of the United States,” Tapper said. “So are you saying that President Trump deserves some credit for the strike?”

“No, not until we know whether this was a good decision and how this decision was made and the president has failed to demonstrate that,” Buttigieg said. “The Secretary of State just now, when asked whether this strike prevented directly an attack, he did not prove, did not demonstrate, he did not even claim that the answer was ‘Yes.'”

Buttigieg went on to say Soleimani “was a bad figure” and he “has American blood on his hands,” which is why “none of us should shed a tear for his death.” read more

11 Comments on Buttigieg Believes Trump Made the Right Decision to Kill Soleimani But He Won’t Give Credit… Yet

  1. If the former mayor of the fourth largest city in indiana says I shouldn’t shed a tear for Soleimani, who am I to question him?

    P.S. PeckerPumpPete. The job you just left was the apex of your career. Back to the Starbucks for you.

  2. As the mediocre mayor of a small town, pete knows his killing strategies.

    I still am cracking up at how dignified (finally!) Butthead looked in that ‘handbag’ graphic you IOTW had, where he looked down his nose at fauxchanontas’ handbag.

  3. I’ll try this one more time as it just occurred to me that none of my posts since this morning are here…. so I restarted the thing here……. Make up yer mind buttplug!


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