Buttigieg – GLAAD magazine – IOTW Report

Buttigieg – GLAAD magazine

38 Comments on Buttigieg – GLAAD magazine

  1. When Obama met the leader of another country he bent over. If Buttgag by some miracle were to win he’ll probably do the same but facing away from them.

  2. Not only has POTUS Trump made a laughing stock of the guy, he did it doing something that obama said couldn’t be done; he recalled an iconic American of yesteryear that made us all recollect “The Good Old Days.” What I’m trying to say is somewhat esoteric, but it seems POTUS Trump pulled off another “impossibility” by resurrecting something from America’s past that has a very current and real application. Maybe it will make those sophisticated iPhone users with their superior educations and intellect sit up and take notice at how masterfully this was played.

  3. Butteredpig says He had to google Mad Magazine to find out who Alfred

    was…Then He tweeted “It must be a Generational thing”

    Mad Magazine tweeted back

    “We had to look up who Buttigig was,Must be a generational thing”

  4. AA, please don’t be using them fourteen dollar words as I only have a nickel brain. “Esoteric,” I’m not part of the small group that might understand them fancy words.

  5. One for the ages @ BFH…it’s alllll about those freckles…SMIRK and OF course those ears…an American Icon @ AA – good post!

    Petey’s pop was a Marxist.

  6. @Anonymous — My apologies. I did bumble through and I guess I meant that there were really only a small group of people who would know what *I* was trying to say. And you just proved me right! lol

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