Buttigieg is a dystopian’s dream – IOTW Report

Buttigieg is a dystopian’s dream

25 Comments on Buttigieg is a dystopian’s dream

  1. I do agree that there are many other crimes I am more interested in. Like all the white collar DC criminals. The lying under oath, national security leakers. Plenty of prison cells could be put to better use for THOSE kind of bad guys, ahead of druggies.

  2. Great. Can we move them all to his Neighborhood? I’m sure crack and meth heads won’t be too much of a nuisance. Great for home resale value too. Look how well it worked for the bums and druggies in CA that they ‘left alone’.

    Get your pooper scoopers. Hide your kids. keep your pets indoors.
    And remember, if they’re on your front lawn having sex and smoking crack, they’re not doing anything wrong. LOL!

  3. I think they should all be decriminalized too. Like they were a little over a century ago.
    But… Personal Freedom, Personal Responsibility. Endanger or harm someone and you pay the penalty. And that includes trafficking drugs. A rational set of laws permits individuals to do pretty much anything they want – as long as it doesn’t harm others or put them at significantly greater risk of harm.

    This is where the Libertarian Party is currently failing. They ask for the former, but don’t insist upon the latter. It cannot work that way.

  4. Decriminalize possession and that druggie will not rob you anymore? Street pooping and gutter living will go away?

    Decriminalize and crack babies quit coming? (We don’t have enough already with fetal alcohol syndrome)

    Should we all be required to carry Narcan in case we come across an OD?

    Free syringes and needle boxes in every public bathroom? (On push carts where bathrooms are not available)

    Let’s decriminalize all drugs because treatment is not an option? Because sobriety is a bad thing? Because drug addiction is not a medical/mental illness?

  5. Never concede good intentions to the progressive movement. It is never warranted. The movement has been invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death since its inception. Looking back the fruit that has been produced each and every time they have gained the power to implement their vision has been poisonous. Each mass genocidal regime that came to power during the last century did so with the backing of the progressive movement as they rose in stature and consolidated their power. Even when the hideous results were becoming evident (no longer able to be covered up) the progressives response was that the perpetrators of this human tragedy did not go far enough fast enough.

  6. De criminalization would be acceptable to me except that the Left will then mobilize a national effort to allow junkies to live in your house, steal, rape, defecate on your car, teach your children and be above the Law…your money will be spent to study the drug use problems at fine resorts by about 15 million bureaucrats. Democrats destroy everything they touch, even leaving people to make bad choices..

  7. Gays as a group tend to vote as a group, and blindly too: Pete Butthead is gay, so he’s got the gay vote.

    What gays don’t realize is that the leftists and islamists they are ultimately enabling will kill them if the leftists and islamists gain the power they are trying to gain.

  8. The gay mayor is already breaking the laws of nature. Makes sense he agrees to more moral breakdown of society.
    Decriminalizating drug use leads to extensive criminal behavior – a fact supposed by numerous studies.
    Progressives like Buttigieg know decriminalization of drug use is the quickest way to destabilize society in order to implement socialist policies, programs and laws to “fix” problems created by drug addled perps overwhelming communities, law enforcement and courts.

  9. Legalization has not stopped the cartels in CA, WA, CO or any other state. When the state applies confiscatory tax rates to any product people will try to find a way around legal acquisition and someone will step up to meet that demand.


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