Buttigieg Says Prohibiting Classroom Instruction of Sex and Gender Identity in Kindergarten Classes Will “Kill Kids” – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Says Prohibiting Classroom Instruction of Sex and Gender Identity in Kindergarten Classes Will “Kill Kids”


Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Friday said Florida’s parental right bill will “kill kids.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last month signed into law HB 1557, a measure that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to children in grades pre-K through grade 3.

The legislation states that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

The groomers are angry they can’t discuss inappropriate sexual content with prepubescent children. more

29 Comments on Buttigieg Says Prohibiting Classroom Instruction of Sex and Gender Identity in Kindergarten Classes Will “Kill Kids”

  1. Upon what evidence does that malignant faggot base that assertion?

    Were kids dying before the faggots got sex-ed in kindergarten?

    Show the evidence Buttplug, or shut the fuck up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Florida’s parental right bill will “kill kids.”

    That’s funny cuz it didn’t seem to affect the previous 7500 generations!
    On the other hand, twisting up kids minds to be insecure, psychotic, confused and otherwise AFU could terminate the race!

  3. First, why is the Transportation Secretary opining on an education bill in the state of Florida? Second, my irony meter exploded when Pete said Florida didn’t have a plan to deal with high gas prices. Isn’t Pete the secretary of Transportation? What’s your plan, Pete?

  4. I’d say stay in your lane Pete, but I really don’t want him anywhere near the roads.
    It’s almost as if they’re picking the most perverted communist degenerates to poke us in the eye or something?

  5. This kinda shit is what’s going to break the leftist’ advance in destroying the culture. You don’t f*ck with our kids and get away with it for long. This is war.

  6. Ya just gotta wonder about adults who want indoctrinate & groom single digit aged children sexually…
    What motivates them huh?!?

    Pate Buttigieg aint right in the head.

    Time to calling each & every one of these people out for what they are

  7. Next, he’ll be informing us that he’s running for President again, based on his interdisciplinary approach to transportation that includes kids.

  8. I remember many years ago being criticized when commenting that the acceptance of the homosexual ‘movement’ would lead to the vile perverts attempting to legitimize sexual intercourse between adults and children. To troll the critics, I said that the queers would require us to give them our children for training!

  9. My dad used to wonder why the left hates America. It’s actually Americans they hate, and they are making sure we know it. WTF is wrong with those people?

  10. Heh Buttplug, it didn’t kill me or my siblings, but I can tell you that taking it in the butt like you do, will kill you. I grew up in the 50’s when Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, and I Love Lucy were what was innocence was all about. If it worked back then, it will still work today. However, the Dims have gone to the dark side and our schools and children with it. Some are doing something about it, it might be too late though.

  11. Every death of a child is tragic and should be avoided at all cost.

    So we should definitely do everything in our power to keep them from this cocksucker’s logic, which causes so many of them to commit suicide, or overdose on drugs the dems are importing.

    We should also keep them from the groomers the eventually rape them, which also increases the likelihood of suicide and overdose exponentially.

    And since the left is so hellbent on infanticide, how about stupicide? If you say something so stupid that it is obvious that you bring nothing to society, it is time for you to be put on a shelf, naked, no water or food, until you die.

    If they think the COVID lie killed a lot of people, just think of how many people this would get rid of. Bill Gates would be ecstatic, but he wouldn’t be around to enjoy it.


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