Buttigieg Voter Learns He’s Gay and Wants Her Vote Back – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Voter Learns He’s Gay and Wants Her Vote Back

And they say the right is uninformed.

How can you be a Pete supporter and not know he’s a Peter supporter? (NTTAWWI)

ht/ Flip

30 Comments on Buttigieg Voter Learns He’s Gay and Wants Her Vote Back

  1. Don’t think this won’t be a huge deal if Buttgag gets the nomination. Like it or not, most people will be disgusted at the thought of Buttgag and his faggot pals buttfucking in the Lincoln bedroom… and they will.

  2. THIS is the problem….uninformed voters! AND I don’t think she is afraid of fags, she just doesn’t want one for President.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  3. It takes her this long to find this out?

    He’s been very open about it and (maybe) most of his supporters support him because of it.

    Exactly how did she come to support him anyway, and why? I really can’t comprehend it.

  4. Worst Kept Secret. Being a cock gobbling homo is his greatest qualification.

    Definitely worth more than being the now former mayor of Indiana’s 4th largest city or the “veteran” chauffer to Obama diplomats fact finding missions to the Taliban child sex slave bazaars.

  5. TheMule FEBRUARY 4, 2020 AT 1:43 PM
    “Don’t think this won’t be a huge deal if Buttgag gets the nomination. Like it or not, most people will be disgusted at the thought of Buttgag and his faggot pals buttfucking in the Lincoln bedroom…”

    …But WOULD they be disgusted?

    …no one seemed to have been put off by it when Barry and Mike were going at it hammer and tongs for 8 long years…


  6. A picture of Gigglybutt handholding his wife, err hubband(?),
    would cure anyone of supporting him because a POTUS is Commander in Chief
    and no one really wants a peterpuffer sending our finest to war.

  7. In regards to the “homophobic” title of the video: How is it that if you don’t support a homo you are described as being afraid of homos? I don’t support any faggots, but I’m not afraid of faggots. It’s not like I’m going to magically/accidentally end up with a cock in my mouth. Unless I was afraid of being sexually assaulted by a faggot, which I’m not, and besides that could be a rational fear and not a phobia. I can only conclude with the loose use of “homophobic” that all homos want to stick a cock in my mouth, hence they all want to sexually assault me, yet I’m the one described as irrational?

  8. She just discovered it’s a crappy deal?


    Looking back in time tho. . .I can’t swear that romney never had a dick in his mouth. In fact, now that that I think about it, he probably did.

  9. @Supernightshade, gee thanks for the pic.

    But I’d seen it. That tells you just how STOOPIT the democrats are: they can’t think ahead to the general election where President Trump, or any Republican candidate who wasn’t running to lose on purpose (yes YOU, Pierre elDicko and you too, dead McLame). The DNC “think tank” must consist of Maxine Waters and Fredo Cuomo, consuming mucho bath salts.

    Every one of their damaged clown candidates would be EASY to humiliate, based solely on their proclamations and their policy positions.

    I think Trump is going to have so much fun.

  10. IF, and I mean IF, we all win the Powerball kind of odds, Peter Buttglug should win the nomination and election, I’d like a front row seat for his first (and last) tour of the middle east.

  11. two idiots. One says God only banned man screwing man in the ancient times because Saint Booty says so, the other votes democrat but ignores the pedophilia party and their branch office of fetus crushing and dismembering by planned parenthood.


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