Buttigieg Won a High School Essay Contest Praising Socialist Bernie Sanders – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Won a High School Essay Contest Praising Socialist Bernie Sanders

The essay was all about the courage Sanders displays when he calls himself a socialist. I guess that makes Buttigieg a coward.


Fortunately for the political process, there remain a number of committed individuals who are steadfast enough in their beliefs to run for office to benefit their fellow Americans. Such people are willing to eschew political and personal comfort and convenience because they believe they can make a difference. One outstanding and inspiring example of such integrity is the country’s only Independent Congressman, Vermont’s Bernie Sanders.

Sanders’ courage is evident in the first word he uses to describe himself: “Socialist”. In a country where Communism is still the dirtiest of ideological dirty words, in a climate where even liberalism is considered radical, and Socialism is immediately and perhaps willfully confused with Communism, a politician dares to call himself a socialist? He does indeed. Here is someone who has “looked into his own soul” and expressed an ideology, the endorsement of which, in today’s political atmosphere, is analogous to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Even though he has lived through a time in which an admitted socialist could not act in a film, let alone hold a Congressional seat, Sanders is not afraid to be candid about his political persuasion.

After numerous political defeats in his traditionally Republican state, Sanders won the office of mayor of Burlington by ten votes. A successful and popular mayor, he went on to win Vermont’s one Congressional seat in 1990. Since then, he has taken many courageous and politically risky stands on issues facing the nation. He has come under fire from various conservative religious groups because of his support for same-sex marriages. His stance on gun control led to NRA-organized media campaigns against him. Sanders has also shown creativity in organizing drug-shopping trips to Canada for senior citizens to call attention to inflated drug prices in the United States.

While impressive, Sanders’ candor does not itself represent political courage. The nation is teeming with outspoken radicals in one form or another. Most are sooner called crazy than courageous. It is the second half of Sanders’ political role that puts the first half into perspective: he is a powerful force for conciliation and bi-partisanship on Capitol Hill. In Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy wrote that “we should not be too hasty in condemning all compromise as bad morals. For politics and legislation are not matters for inflexible principles or unattainable ideals.” It may seem strange that someone so steadfast in his principles has a reputation as a peacemaker between divided forces in Washington, but this is what makes Sanders truly remarkable. He represents President Kennedy’s ideal of “compromises of issues, not of principles.”

Sanders has used his unique position as the lone Independent Congressman to help Democrats and Republicans force hearings on the internal structure of the International Monetary Fund, which he sees as excessively powerful and unaccountable. He also succeeded in quietly persuading reluctant Republicans and President Clinton to ban the import of products made by under-age workers. Sanders drew some criticism from the far left when he chose to grudgingly endorse President Clinton’s bids for election and re-election as President. Sanders explained that while he disagreed with many of Clinton’s centrist policies, he felt that he was the best option for America’s working class.

Sanders’ positions on many difficult issues are commendable, but his real impact has been as a reaction to the cynical climate which threatens the effectiveness of the democratic system. His energy, candor, conviction, and ability to bring people together stand against the current of opportunism, moral compromise, and partisanship which runs rampant on the American political scene. He and few others like him have the power to restore principle and leadership in Congress and to win back the faith of a voting public weary and wary of political opportunism. Above all, I commend Bernie Sanders for giving me an answer to those who say American young people see politics as a cesspool of corruption, beyond redemption. I have heard that no sensible young person today would want to give his or her life to public service. I can personally assure you this is untrue.

For his screed on socialist Bernie Sanders young Pete won the Kennedy award which leaves us with this time-tested truth: Scratch a liberal find a committed socialist.


8 Comments on Buttigieg Won a High School Essay Contest Praising Socialist Bernie Sanders

  1. You know what would hurt Buttigeig’s chances even more (because apparently there are too many millenials who want some form of Communism)? Spread the word that he’s not really gay. He’s just pretending to be gay because he’s a white man and he knows that without being gay, he’s lower than whale dung in the Victim Olympics.

    It’s been said and it’s been proven that a lie is halfway around the globe before the truth gets it’s pants on.

    This could work. How’s he going to prove otherwise, short of, well, you know. Any guy can fool his public by acting gay.

  2. “Macho Macho Man!”
    The Rock of South Bend!
    (Hudson, maybe, certainly not Johnson)

    I don’t know, Abby, it just don’t fit … but, considering the gullibility of the “fellow travellers,” it may be worthwhile.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Peter must of missed the part where socialism killed hundreds of millions of people. Not just any people, it is and was their own people. They always end up braking a few eggs. I’m guessing the public/government schools don’t teach the evils of socialism anymore and it’s why the youth today love it. w
    When I ask people at work what’s the difference between socialism and communism they can’t answer me, even the ones from the former Soviet Union block. Controlling the schools and the media they have taken over the youth, it was only a matter of time. We are in a war for the mind. All is not lost, but this may be our last chance.


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