Buzz Aldrin, 2nd Man On Moon, Endorses McSally Over Astronaut Mark Kelly – IOTW Report

Buzz Aldrin, 2nd Man On Moon, Endorses McSally Over Astronaut Mark Kelly

Daily Wire-

On Saturday night, Dr. Buzz Aldrin, who was the second man on the moon after Neil Armstrong in July 1969 from the immortal Apollo 11 flight, endorsed Arizona GOP Senator Martha McSally, who was a fighter pilot herself, over her Democratic challenger, former astronaut Mark Kelly, who had flown the NASA Space Shuttle.

Aldrin tweeted, “Martha, check six – Mark? Buzz – over 100 jet hours in Arizona. 12 o’clock is straight ahead. 6 o’clock is behind. Fighter pilots understand what ‘check six’ means in FTR lingo talk. Martha, wave as you move ahead past Mark, to 12 o’clock, and you win for Arizona!” more

12 Comments on Buzz Aldrin, 2nd Man On Moon, Endorses McSally Over Astronaut Mark Kelly

  1. Whatever you do, don’t tell Buzz the moon landing was a hoax.

    “Video depicts Aldrin striking Sibrel once in the face with a fist. Sibrel immediately turns to the camera crew present and appears to twice state, ‘Did you get that?’ Sibrel was not knocked down. He sustained no visible injury. He did not seek medical attention. Aldrin has no prior criminal arrest history,”

  2. Aldrin, who was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1969, was a fighter pilot in the Korean War before he became an astronaut. He was the first astronaut with a doctoral degree. When he landed on the moon, he became the only person to hold a religious ceremony on the Moon. He used a kit given him by his pastor to take communion and read from the Bible, “I am the vine. You are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.”
    MAN …. how incredibly blessed

    Psalm 8:3-4
    When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
    what is man that you are mindful of him,
    and the son of man that you care for him?

  3. Right on the money Dr. Aldrin! I’ve heard from several others (Naval Aviators) how Kelly “made (06)rank” so fast…in the civilian world it’s known as the PETER PRINCIPLE! They aren’t worth a shit so it’s easier to promote them out of your ranks than to fire them! They even tried to shoot his ass into space to get rid of his commie lovin’ ass.

  4. It always rubs me the wrong way when people refer to Buzz Aldrin as “the second man to walk on the moon.”

    Rather, he was one of the two first men to walk on the moon.

    In the same vein, hardly anybody remembers Mike Collins. It took a team of three stupendously skilled, dedicated, and courageous men to get to the Moon, land on it and walk about collecting samples, and getting back home again safely.

    Thank you Neil.
    Thank you Buzz.
    Thank you Mike.

  5. I recently started reading an Oliver Sacks book. “Everything In Its Place”.

    I was not aware of Buzz Aldrin’s problems with depression and alcoholism after the moon landing until I saw it mentioned briefly in Mr. Sacks book. Or if I had heard of it before I had forgotten about it. I can see the problem of what do you do for an encore after walking on the moon?

    Thankfully after a few years of troubles Mr. Aldrin got his life back on the tracks going in the right stuff direction. .


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